Lebanon: Throw out war propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN, etc.forpressfound, Vendredi, Juillet 21, 2006 - 05:32
Henk Ruyssenaars
We all know the BBC is strictly impartial. How do we know that? They themselves tell us! But, in reality most are not 'journalists' but warmongering propagandists. The BBC advocates war: during the last 2 decades it has broadcasted just 2% anti-war dissent! They have shown to be worse than FOX, CNN etc. LEBANON: THROW OUT WAR PROPAGANDISTS LIKE THE BBC, FOX, CNN, ETC.* by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - Amsterdam/Beirut - July 21, 2006 - After having followed the factual stream of information coming out of Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East, and comparing the facts to the broadcasts and information given by the major mainstream media, like the BBC and other war advocating networks, I can NOT understand why any sane person - now in Lebanon for instance - would ever collaborate with those despicable jerks and dish-bitches. They sell wars, and are megaphones of those making the wars. The announced slaughter this week end of Lebanon by Israeli mercenaries is further proof. They help to destroy our life and our countries, as 'embedded' parts of the war machine which is wrecking our globe. I HAVE NEVER LET DOWN A 'REAL' COLLEAGUE, but those vile creatures are no 'journalist colleagues' one way or the other. They are all liars and Judases that cowardly have sold themselves to the highest bidder. And don't tell me they don't know what they are doing or guilty of. I've for years been elected as Chairman of the Foreign Press Association in Sweden, the FPA with its 150 international correspondent/members, and recognize a Judas using journalism as a cover. They are traitors to us all, and dangerous to mankind. Get their names and check via Internet what they say and write, who they are: not what they claim to be. Depending on that information - not what they tell you - let them stay or throw them out. BUT DO NOT HARM THEM: THAT WOULD MEAN TO STOOP AS LOW AS THEY ARE. THEY ARE NOT JOURNALISTS: THEY ARE WARMONGERING PROPAGANDISTS. For the past 4 decades I've been an independent foreign correspondent, including 10 years in North Africa and the Middle East. And, what I daily can see and hear on for instance the BBC channels, CNN, FOX, EuroNews, the Belgians and the French TV5, the very bad German channels ARD, WDR, ZDF, and the disgusting Dutch 'NOS' propaganda TV and radio, is purely a falsification of reality. - (Yes, I know the languages) - It is too bad to be true. Stalin would have been proud of this totalitarian falsifying and rewriting of history. National Geopgraphic and Discovery channel for instance - which can be seen all over the world - are sewers of war propaganda. They all lie through their whitened teeth, and without exception mouth the Israeli war message, which is: More through Murder. According to international law and conventions, what they are doing is the same criminal collaboration for which Nazi propagandists after the World War II Tribunals in Nuremberg were hanged. Most of the interested people by now know that the BBC two decades ago openly started servicing the greedy goals and power of the 'managers' in England: building their false empire at any cost to us others and defending that their 'Might makes Right'. They are the real war criminals, pulling at the strings behind the scene, who put their 'front men' within the media organizations, including - at the top of the BBC - their man Michael Grade. - [http://tinyurl.com/l687f] - Within short what was left of honest journalism at the BBC for 98% was snuffed, and the war and killing machine rolls on. Fueled and serviced by the global media machine the 'London War Lords' own. NATO and so called UN 'Peace troops' are part of it, serving the malignant masters of misery. I've said it before - and I should know - because I've worked for the BBC too in English and German when they still knew what journalism was, and one could broadcast 'live'. Also during the Gulf War. No need denying it: I still have the BBC paychecks. So, as a senior foreign correspondent I recognize what they do, and it is absolutely hair raising and disgusting to hear and watch. Especially if you - like me - have been in Lebanon too. Those 'messmedia' slaves advocate the American/Israeli 'might makes right' militarism: an ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society's (Homeland?) security, and thereby claims to be its most important aspect. The militarization of society is defined in relative relation to others, and hence views the society as a material entity, which exerts its influence and power over others.* - So much for the intentions of the PNAC, which has - as expected - turned into a "Project for a New American Cemetery''. ANY HUMAN BEING WITH DECENCY CAN NOT ACCEPT WHAT THEY ARE DOING. If I, my family, friends or my country is attacked, and so many people killed by those madmen with their mercenaries, I would never ever help those BBC, FOX, CNN and all the other propagandists - who defend the necessity of us being killed - for one second. On the contrary: I would start resisting, and one of the first things I would tell them is to leave the country immediately with their murder advocating reporting, for 90% justifying death and destruction. And they'd better be glad that nothing worse would be happening to them. THE BBC HAS BROADCASTED JUST TWO PER CENT (2%) ANTI-WAR DISSENT There is no follower more faithful of the American/Israeli/British war agenda than the BBC, under the PNAC leadership of the BBC's boss and PNAC 'front man' Michael Grady. A CARDIFF UNIVERSITY STUDY FOUND NO EVIDENCE THAT THE BBC WAS ANYTHING BUT PRO-WAR. A comprehensive 'Media Tenor' survey of coverage of the illegal Iraq war by the world's 'leading broadcasters' - found that the BBC had given just two (2) per cent to demonstrations or anti-war dissent - less than even American broadcasters like CNN or FOX. A Cardiff University study found no evidence that the BBC was anything but pro-war. Historically, the BBC has always supported the establishment's wars by declaring the status quo (war) neutral and dissent "biased". Propaganda made respectable dominates the very language and tone of news and current affairs. They shame journalism, and helped killing most of a valuable profession. Journalists - in the real sense - are independent watchdogs of society and those self professed so called 'rulers', in a positive way working for their fellow human beings. And not like the situation has grown into, slaving and distorting for the shareholders and war makers of the military industrial complex, which keeps destroying so much of our world. None of those brain dead BBC war propagandists cried out loud for all the death and destruction globally going on. Nobody at the BBC, or the other parroting prompter pimps, talks about who is financing and making a profit on all the misery. Look at 'Sir' David Frost, this jester at the Court of the 'London War Lords'. Frost is also supposed to 'cover up' the war garbage for al Jazeera's 'new owners'. No tears were - or are - shed for the millions of dead, bombed, DU radiated, tortured, jailed, and otherwise abused people. And Afghanistan, Iraq or Lebanon? Trying to take the power and controlling the energy sources in Eurasia? It's all part of their program. Power and profit are the only bottom lines that count. In their system and way of acting, 99% of us human beings in the world are 'Kleenexers': to be used and thrown away. The information from Lebanon by the BBC and many others, is fabricated using the same lying technique as usual, which also was used in France when the BBC had to report on the massive resistance to the new slave labor laws. Around three million people demonstrated against the new inhuman labor laws, but that apparently was a figure too impressive to be mentioned by most mainstream traitors, and 'underreported' as always. With the further dilapidating BBC being as usual one of the worst examples in falsifying the facts. ONE OF THE BBC's SO CALLED 'CORRESPONDENTS', 'HIS MASTER'S VOICE' REPORTING FROM PARIS, DESCRIBED THE - EVEN BY THE FRENCH POLICE ESTIMATED ONE-AND-A-HALF-MILLION PEOPLE DEMONSTRATING IN OVER 200 FRENCH CITIES - ONLY AS: 'MANY'... In text, on the BBC web site, it later on was corrected to 'one million' - but the video report which was broadcasted globally - and done by Clive Myrie in Paris - falsely showed 90% raw violence, 1 demonstrating but inarticulate young girl, and of course a well dressed French 'captain of industry', advocating de Villepin's low wage slavery law. - [end quote] - Url.: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/03/337032.html And that is exactly the same falsifying way they report from the massacres in Lebanon and other battlefields they have fertilized with their media manure: 'Israel needs and has a right to do this for its protection' is the main theme of all those lying propagandists, justifying the war crimes which are going on permanently. The rights of the rest of humanity don't count in their eyes, nor our protection against their evil. I do absolutely not see any reason why anybody in the world should keep somebody around who attacks you with 98% of what they are saying. Take a grip, or get a body bag. Get rid of them, before they get rid of you. And your country... Henk Ruyssenaars An earlier article concerning this was published on Thursday July 20th, 2006, via Indymedia in Beirut, Lebanon. Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2006/07/4620.shtml The APFN update - with all related links underneath - is here, at TinyUrl.: http://tinyurl.com/jfnln Or at Url.: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=339;title=APFN... FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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