Israel Lebanese VendettaAnonyme, Samedi, Juillet 15, 2006 - 13:58 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Rana Taher
Putting Lebanon 20 years back on the map. It is more than people dying and more than infrastructure. Going on a spree in enhiliating a whole nation. What is left? We ask ourselves. Let them bomb the shit out of the region, maybe the world will wake up. The machine against the man. Within 78 hours, 15 bridges destroyed, 3 highways cross points bombed over 60 villages attacked, airport destroyed, 6 ports bombarded, capital under attack and the suburbs on fire. Over 500,000 people displaced, over 60 people dead and over 200 wounded. Arab leaders for all their wonderful plans and protocols at the Arab Summit all they can come out with was we have reached a dead end and we ask for a security council resolution. After all, no other country in the world can violate so many international and humanitarian laws and can get away with it. It is sad, to hear of people running and hiding away, waiting the storm of violence to end. No party budging in but for the people, what more can be done. Well, why dont you bomb the shit out of the rest of the region, why should we be alone. After all, Israel is following the canton isolation system imposed in its fight against the palestinians. After all psychological systematic attacks is not new to a nation built on favoritism of one blood line and race over another. Get them where it hurts. The heart and sould of their 16 year hard work and struggle. A true jewel put back on the map 20 years behind. As elequently put by the defense minister of Israel. Didnt leave a single village in the south without shooting on, not a single road, bridge, coastal line what you have it. In complete acurracy, pointing both the maritime and aircraft missiles at the same target. Congratulation Israel for your amazing show of force, excellent stand our arab neighbors and not brothers, amazing stand, canada for your US supported position, and thank you President bush for your tapping Israel for its naughty naughty vendeta on innocent children and women. After all, clean the region and you should have a red paved carpet all the way to Babylon. But remmember you are no Alexander the great! |
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