About Palast: 'Was the Invasion of Iraq A Jewish Conspiracy?'forpressfound, Mardi, Juin 27, 2006 - 06:20
Henk Ruyssenaars
An article now published by journalist Greg Palast reads more like a failed attempt at shifting the blame. Or a survival act by the writer. It's not the journalism we are used to from Palast. Now the 'goys' are to blame? This item, which anyhow was published under his name, is definitely not kosher. THE PRESENT HOLOCAUST AND WHAT IS DONE TO MILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS, IS A CATASTROPHE WHICH REALLY CAN DO WITHOUT MALPLACED JOKES OR 'HUMOR' BY PALAST. by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - June 27th - 2006 - The article concerning the group behind the present global genocides in Afghanistan and especially also Iraq by Greg Palast 'Was the Invasion of Iraq A Jewish Conspiracy?' has raised many eyebrows of people liking Palast as a 'good' journalist. He knows that this story from a journalists point of view - and I'm a senior foreign correspondent - is a cheap shot and a dishonest try in Newspeak to put the blame somewhere else. By this Palast - if he indeed has written this - starts disqualifying himself. If the Board and 'jackals' of the warmonger's 'Lie Factory' threatens him, we should help Palast. If not... Because what is happening to humanity is not just a matter of 'grabbing oil' or questions like 'Did the Jews do it?' - it's seeing the difference between humane and inhumanity. Seeing and describing who the greedy culprits and usurers are. Of whatever nationality, crutches like religion, or whatever race: because what is done to millions of human beings is a catastrophe which really can do without malplaced jokes. PALAST KNOWS AS A JOURNALIST THAT YOU DO NOT JUST SLITHER AROUND IN THE OIL, BUT ALWAYS 'FOLLOW THE MONEY' - BECAUSE THAT IS WHERE THE CROOKS ARE. Call it the 'Military Industrial Complex' or whatever, but look who the owners are, Who Profits? Who turns blood into gold? Who has the massacre money? Nobody needs to remind Palast of all the open letters written the last decades by a group of creatures who advocated wars within the cadre of the 'Project for a New American Century'. (PNAC) - Which as usual turned out to be a 'New American Cemetery' for too many. No need either of reminding Palast of the so called 'London Memos' - [http://tinyurl.com/d9kdp] - but now he himself starts 'fixing facts around the policy'. This rewriting of history, omitting known facts or deforming history is misleading and wrong: for an honest journalist choosing the side of criminals like these is deadly. Literally 'deadly' for many others too: mortal for millions. One can not behave as if the Group, all those profiteers behind the holocausts, does not exist. It's comparable to what one of all their propaganda organs - the New York Times - earlier did via their 'correspondent' in Moscow, concerning the Holocaust in Ukraine. The Group's media ignored and even denied the extermination through starvation and executioners, the mass murder of around ten million people in this 'Holodomor' - confirming again that they are a danger to mankind: a deadly 'black plague' like AIDS for human beings. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/f4kyz 'HUMOROUS' REMARKS WHEN DEATH FOR MILLIONS IS DEBATED? What makes the article also 'stink' is the use of so called 'humorous' remarks when death for millions is debated, and something like this already sets the tone of the item: "I mean, after killing Jesus, did the Elders of Zion manipulate the government of the United States into invading Babylon as part of a scheme to abet the expansion of Greater Israel?" Babylon, mr. Palast, as one even can read in the Guardian (which advocates the wars) the Group's armed and malignant mercenaries have destroyed! Not only the country of Iraq too, but also the city of Babylon. Nothing to joke about, or is it? - "US-led forces leave a trail of destruction and contamination in architectural site of world importance." - Guardian Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gxjrj And this is another example of very cheap journalism too: "Who's behind this war?" seemed like a reasonable challenge - and if it were a plot of Christ-killers and Illuminati, so be it. I just report the facts, ma'am." - [ ] Palast for instance 'reports the fact' that Wolfowitz worked in the Pentagon war room - in what Palast says is a 'war-making decision center' - and than follows one of those lowbrow remarks again: ''Wolfowitz is tossed into the World Bank, moving from the testosterone-powered, war-making decision center to the lending office for Bangladeshi chicken farmers." ONE OF THE WORST CRIMINAL INSTITUTIONS IN THIS WORLD Palast writes this about one of the worst criminal institutions in this world, the globally murdering and wealth extracting World Bank, and even if he knows by heart that the IMF, the World Bank etc. are murderous global money machines for those banks and their shareholders, and that their 'help' in many - because of them suffering - countries is seen as AIDS, not as aid: they are deadly. For every US dollar these 'investors' for instance put into Africa they take/rob seven $ back. And mostly plunder and wreck the whole country c.q. continent. Like is happening to the US, Africa and the European Union now too. This fiesta in bloodmoney has no limits or borders. Whether hundreds of millions of humans live, suffer, starve or die: they don't care. Those (we) outside the group of 'Our Kind' - the 'OK' creatures - are just 'Kleenexers' - 'profit units' to be used and thrown away. War criminal #1 Heinrich (Henry) Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for foreign policy.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/n4aln World Bank insider John Perkins however became a whistle blower and told about the permanent theft of trillions by the group doing this, among them the World Bank's and IMF's 'Jackals', the professional killers now under Wolfowitz's command. It's a video one absolutely should see, because it's your life and income, your well being too - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4p5yo THE ITEM COST THE 'NEW OWNERS' OF CAPITOL HILL BLUE ALL CREDIBILITY Palast in this case reminds me of one of many other editors, namely Doug Thompson of Capitol Hill Blue, who was working as a very good journalist for many years and than abruptly changed tune. He published some very stupid pieces concerning 9/11 in 'Pentagonese', ignoring all scientist who have investigated it, and Thompson even denied the existence of the law of nature. This item cost the 'new owners' of Capitol Hill Blue and Thompson most credibility. Doug Thompson offered a couple of very lame excuses afterwards: he had gone haywire because he'd been 'shocked by the death of their kitten'. Nobody who is looking for controlable facts believed him or his 'Rant', nor all those formerly 'honest' media which now have become the victims of their 'new owners' and 'editors', like PBS, NPR, the 'Village Voice', The 'Trib', the LA Times and many more. Reality and facts are drowned in their mainstream. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ojwhl Immediately hundreds of readers of Thompson's item published in 'The Rant' reacted with unbelief that he could have written this, and I think one reader came close to the truth when he wrote: "Have they put a gun to your head?". My advice was and is in those cases not to blame the writer/victims but see if help is needed. What under Thompson's name appeared was indeed like a stencil from the 'desk murderers' or 'Schreibtischtäter' - as the people fighting the Nazi troops called them - the Pentagon's and PNAC's 'Lie Factory' where the 9/11 myth is kept alive and most war propaganda for the Group is made. Palast knows that to 'follow the money' always is better. To see who owns the banks which profit, see who owns the multinationals making those billions of blood money profits like Bechtel etc., see who owns the lobotomizing media and Hollywood studios, stoking the war bonfire. Show and name the names of who is responsible for all the stealing and brainwashing, who the global murderers are. IT IS NOT A SIMPLISTIC MATTER OF "DID THE JEWS DO IT?" One can not generalize and just blame 'the jews'. I don't care whether this Group is from Sweden, Holland, Japan, the US, 'The City' in London or Patagonia, but let's just look: who are the creatures who have been a plague for humanity for so many decades already? Because as Palast knows too, many people all over the world do not listen anymore to all their lies, but they look at this group's deeds. And they use their brain: If it looks like a dog, walks, barks and wags it's tail like a dog, if 'dog tax' has to be paid and it eats dogfood: than it most probably is a dog. Have a look around you, wherever you are, and draw your own conclusions. How many millions have been killed because of this global misery brought upon us by the Group's 'pecunia policy'? By their usury? How many millions of us are right now being poisoned by the radiation of the DU (depleted uranium) ammunition from their factories? There are tons of evidence that these anyhow are and never have been Penguins or similar, but this group of predators. It's a plague beseeching humanity. It is not just a 'Jewish Conspiracy' as Palast writes about: around the world we are finding out and discussing who is part of the Group responsible for all those Holocausts, and what measures should be taken against them before they kill most of us. - Url.: http://www.newamericancentury.org/defense-20050128.htm LET'S PUT IT LIKE THIS: THE ITEM PALAST WROTE IS DEFINITELY NOT WORTHY OF HIM. He should do what he is very good at: reporting the truth based on facts. And he should absolutely not try to sell the Group's Ed/ops, thereby destroying his good name. There already are millions of traitors of many nationalities doing just that. One of the theories international observers have, by the way, is that George W. Bush and some 'goy' buddies are going to get all the blame: goys like Grover Nordquist, as Palast does? While the rest of the for profit killing group of mass murderers behind the scenes walk free? 'Covered' as always by their own malignant media for the masses, keeping the people as uninformed as is possible. One of the now developed strategies may be, that Bush's deteriorating state of what's left of his mind, will be used in future media campaigns to let the rest of the crooks of the hooks. While Bush with some Kleenex-PNAC creatures as an alibi - and as the fall guys optima forma - are not needed anymore and put in front of a firing squad to be silenced forever. - [http://tinyurl.com/7g7nx] And all those themselves prostituting prompter readers on TV and the other 'mess'media cowards and NWO pimps, which formerly sometimes still worked as journalists, will collaborate - as many do now. Conforming that 'Might makes Right'? Which of course is not true. But, having sold themselves as slaves to the 'Lie Factories' in many countries, they produce war propaganda and media fakes, withholding the facts and thus betraying their fellow human beings. Those malignant 'megaphones of the mighty' are all 100% guilty of crimes against humanity: war crimes. And like Pulitzer prize winner and Holocaust denier Duranty of the New York Times - or the 'Judas Millers' of all nationalities - they all will be remembered forever. And punished like the others, as soon as laws are valid again. Because they should have known that we human beings and our lives are more valuable than profit. HENK RUYSSENAARS RELATED REFERENCES & LINKS: * Story by Greg Palast - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/jwg59 * MSNBC - Live Vote - 86% votes YES: Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachment? - Url.: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10562904/ * Eustace Mullins on how the Group works - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/o988w * Google: The US is the Biggest threat to world peace" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dk2lj * The Pentagon's propaganda war - BBC - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3ser2 * "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq * Those who first of all start shouting about 'anti-semitism' - 'conspiracy theory' and 'paranoia' or similar, are always the evil INFORMANTS - The paid INFILTRAITORS (pun intended) which are afraid of their malignancy and treason being disclosed. They are the real Judas's working for treacherous 'masters' - the 'Quislings' that will go to jail - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/kddy2 * The Nuremberg principles: "Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/byurp * 'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC: video & text-interview of the United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5pl2v * Reference guide to the Geneva Conventions - Url.: http://www.genevaconventions.org * Investigating journalist Wayne Madsen and the PNAC pack: ''The neo-cons have done to the U.S. Intelligence Community what Hurricane Katrina did to the Gulf Coast and New Orleans. America has never been weaker. Rather than creating a "New American Century," the neo-cons have created a new global "Dark Age" of fear and constant war.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bj754 * WHO'S FINANCING? - THE 'FEDERAL RESERVE' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm * 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: THE INFAMOUS US 'LIE FACTORY' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/8ncal * THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org * ROME TRIBUNAL ON WAR CRIMES AND MEDIA: Held Guilty of Deception - The tribunal said mainstream media reportage on Iraq also violated article six of the Nuremberg Tribunal (set up to try Nazi crimes) which states: "Leaders, organisers, instigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes (crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity) are responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such a plan." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/68jws * US SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - [http://tinyurl.com/manno] - regarding the September 11 terrorist attacks: AT LEAST ONE FOREIGN COUNTRY ASSISTED THE 9/11 TERRORISTS - The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, on PBS, reported. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/m4duy * The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, KILLING AMERICANS and others to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/jn5jx * THE US PNAC WARS & NATO'S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are linked to inhuman terror, coups d'état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAN412A.html * FALSE FLAG 9/11 - THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO LEGAL BASE FOR NATO FIGHTING AND FINANCING THE PNAC'S 'US WARS' - THE US WAS NEVER ATTACKED BY A FOREIGN COUNTRY: IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zqzkc * STRONGLY RELATED LINKS + HOLOCAUSTS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gkgrb * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. - Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
Foreign Press Foundation
Article by Greg Palast
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