WTC Destruction Was Controlled Demolition - Now there's PROOFAnonyme, Lundi, Juin 19, 2006 - 17:27
Jacob Hamblin
The following is an article posted to the Portland IMC on June 17, 2006. A link to the source is included at the bottom of this article. It tells of the discovery (proof) that the Trade Center buildings were brought down by a controlled demolition on 9/11. ************************************************************ BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples, Building Collapses an Inside Job By Jacob Hamblin Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham Young University physics professor has identified the material as Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite plus sulfur. Sulfur causes the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue. Prof. Steven Jones, who conducted his PhD research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and post-doctoral research at Cornell University and the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, has analyised materials from the WTC and has detected the existence of thermate, used for "cutting" the steel support columns........... Dr. Jones is a co-founder of Scholars for 911 Truth. Dr. Jones in earlier work pointed to thermate as the likely explosive that brought down the WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 skyscrapers. But only recently was physical material analysed in the lab and the presense of thermate announced. The samples were provided Dr. Jones' team from redundant sourses. Both BYU and Prof. Jones have been offered additional grants if he would "change the direction" of his research. In addition, there have been threats made by an individual who "is taking action" to stop Steven Jones' research, specifically his experiment with thermites (aluminothermics), on the grounds his work may be helpful to "terrorists". Jones notes that much more detailed information on both thermite and thermate is readily available on the internet. The source...... .was an audio interview of Dr. Steven Jones by Alex Jones (no relation). I understand the interview took place at the Chicago 911 Truth Conference earlier this month. The whole interview is of interest. Alex Jones comes off slightly as the radio "shock jocky", maybe a little to often interrupts the academic for the sake of ostensible radio drama. Dr. Jones comes off as a prudent scientist valuing accuracy over sound bite drama. But that's just my take. Listen to the whole short interview. Jones also discusses his sources for the WTC samples. I hope I have linked it adaquately, as I am cybernetically slow as well as a horrid speller. http://www.prisonplanet.tv/articles/june2006/160606jones.htm
Link to this Portland Indymedia article
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