
Brazil: "Petists" and "Toucans" have an agreement with bankers to promote the "reform" of the Social Security in the next govern

Anonyme, Lundi, Juin 5, 2006 - 08:17

Jorge Serrão

The "reform" of the Social Security, mixing interests of pension funds and of the financial system, will be implemented in the next government - no matter who will occupie the chair of the president of the republic at "Palácio do Planalto"

Brazil: "Petists" and "Toucans" have an agreement with bankers to promote the "reform" of the Social Security in the next government.
By Jorge Serrão.
The banks already had given the order. The "reform" of the Social Security, mixing interests of pension funds and of the financial system, will be implemented in the next government - no matter who will occupie the chair of the president of the republic at "Palácio do Planalto": either Lula da Silva, Geraldo Alckmin or Odorico Paraguaçu.
The coordinator of this process, chosen by the bankers, is a specialist in the subject: Luiz Gushiken , strategical head of the current government, syndical former-controller of bank clerks and that as representative were one of the brains of the first failed attempt of Social Security reform and that he has his lucrative japanese eyes at the pension funds of state.
The performance of Luiz Gushiken in the subject comes from far, since the eight years of "Age" FHC. At that time, as titular of the Gushiken company & Associados, specialized in social security, the petist served to the government Fernando Enrique Cardoso. He edited the book "Proper Regimen of Social Security of the Servers: How To implement? A Practical and Theoretical Vision ". The publication, of 357 pages and edited in October of 2002, was the result of a contract of rendering of services between Gushiken and the Ministry of the Social Security.
The work, interpreting laws and rules, is plus a test of the identity between the toucans and petists action in relation to the paper of the State. Currently it's known as Global Previ, the "former-company" of Gushiken, where also acted the representative and former-minister of the Social Security Ricardo Berzoini. The partnership Toucan-petist in the eight years of FHC indicates that the subject social security will be the point of convergence between the PT and the PSDB, in only the apparent opposition of the electoral theater. The two parties, in the social security question, defend a model that favors the great financial capital. The banks want to take care of of the billions of the tax collecting machine of the Social welfare and the other billions of the Pension funds of State.
The plan for this all is mounted by on syndicalists to the "Banking Joint" and that currently they occupy high step of the government Lula, as Gushiken and Sergio Rosa (president of Previ, Pension fund of the employees of the Bank of Brazil). They all have the endorsement of the petists and of the team that served to the eight years of FHC in the government. Sponsored for the bankers, who want to take care of the lucrative resources of social security, they organize technical maneuvers that create the ilusion that the social security is in "deficit", when it is not. An analysis of social security resources, is collected yet, but not repassed to the sector, cause of the intention, by the government, to prove the opposite.
Data of the Federal Tax Dept do not lie. In 2005, the Cofins (Contribution for the Financing of the Social security) collected R$ 89 billion and 900 million Reals. Also in the passed year, the CSLL (Social Contribution on the Net profits) collected R$ 26 billion and 900 million Reals. But such resources are not repassed and they are not computed. If such resources were destined to the safes of the Social Security, the surplus would be of R$ 78 Real billion and 800 million. The Confines and the added CSLL had relieved R$ 116 billion and 800 million Reals. Deducting the "deficit" of R$ 38 billion proclaimed in the passed year, the Social Security would not be a problem - but a solution for the life of the 24 million Brazilians who receive retirements or pensions - 64% of this group survive with only R$ 350 Reals (the value of the minimum-wage).
The password for the reform - no matter who wins the election - already is given. The bankers already had earned. The current minister of the Social Security, Nelson Machado, already informed that, whichever the new government, will be necessary to rediscuss the system in the year that comes, modifying the rules of retirement of the INSS (National Institute of the Social Insurance).
One of the points to be treat would be the definition of a minimum age for the workers of the private initiative to have right to the retirement. The managing Toucans and the petists that had succeeded them work to prove that the government does not have ability to manage the Social Security, whose global expenses represent 8% of the Gross domestic product.
Two sides sponsor and defend the "incompetence of the State", for them induced and organized artificially, as false evidence of that the government does not get to inhibit the tax evaders and nor to charge what they must the wing greaters of the Social Security.
The Court of Accounts of the Union calculates that the tax evasion annually reaches 30% of the presumable resources. It's about R$ 30 billion that are not being collected. To decide such problem, Toucans and petists have the magical formula. To deliver system for management of banks, "more competent", and that also they go to take care of of the new State modeling of the Pension funds of that the current government cannot promote, in function of the lack of political conditions politics generated by the scandals of the "mensalão".
Petists and Toucans defend a continuity of the regimen of distribution (where the active worker pays the retirement of the inactive one), that it prevails today. But the great banks are looking at the capitalizaton system (where each wage-earner one pais for its proper retirement in the future). But the transistion of the current system for the new model would put into motion the equivalent to three PIBs: R$ 3 trillions and 300 billion Reals - according to calculations of the Ipea (Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Ministry of the Planning).
The ministry of the Social Security esteems a lesser movement however: R$ 2 trillions and 750 billion Reals. The bankers want to manage the process and to profit each time more. But who goes to pay the account is the citizen who is victim of the current special tax, that compels them to work 145 days of the year only to pay taxes.
Specialists fear that the transistion of the model of "Distribution" for the one of "Capitalizaton" makes impracticable the public accounts of the Country, with the gigantic emission of new headings and the expansion of the decurrent public debt of this process.
But banks - and its syndicalistic former-employees - are going to make money in the operation. And this is what realy matters for them. And PT greetings, with Toucans of robbery in the business. Jorge Serrão is journalist, broadcaster and advertising executive, specialist in Public Administration. Publisher-head of blog and podcast Alert Total ( and

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