Ohhhh Canada!!!! Not You, Too?!Anonyme, Samedi, Juin 3, 2006 - 15:29 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Cathy Garger
False Flag Terror - Not Just for the US Anymore! OHHH No, Canada! Not You, Too?! Cathy Garger I saw this coming. I knew it was coming. I was waiting for it to come. But still, I was hoping against all hope ... that it would *not* come. For some reason, even though I knew the US Evil-Doing Terror Mongerers have been busy little bees, planning new varieties of false flag terror attacks, fake "terror" videos, and non-stop mainstream media coverage of the synthetic "War On Terror," (courtesy of that Al Qaeda that sure DOES get around)! Still, I always held on to some fleeting hope that the Al Qaeda Arab Boogie Man would never get around to "visiting" our northern neighbors, too. I kept thinking for the past four and one-half years, "Let Canada be a place where we outraged, fed up Americans can get away when that snarling Uncle Sam gets any more psycho than he currently has become." Drats! Looks like that our window of opportunity for a northern escape has now already come and gone. How foolish was I to fantasize that Canada as my Great Getaway From US Madness could last forever! I should have realized that it was only a matter of time before the North American Evil-Doing Globalist Masterminds joined forces and made some dastardly plans together. Take the following story, for example. It's blatantly obvious that it's straight out of the US intelligence psy ops writing department. Hey, do you think maybe Canada and the US went in together on some dark-windowed North American building in order to co-host a joint venture, a faux-news writers' club? After all, the US has got the controlled media spin down pat for arguably at least the last thirty years! This Canadian terror group is interesting, however, in that it is not being touted as Al Qaeda but is reportedly only "inspired" by Al-Qaeda. When, for some reason, it is too inconvenient to get a film crew to haul out the guy in the cave or the other patsy with no leg? It's reassuring to know that imitating faux terror groups still can stand in as substitutes to get the job done! Fear, fear, and more fear now has made it's way above the border. All they have to do next is stir in "anti- terrorism" Canadian police state legislation for good measure, create a new department of Naziland Security ~ and Voila! You've got a brand new mini US Prison Camp in the making! Ten bucks the savvy Canadians are going to take a dim view of this new spin. From what I hear, our northern friends are "onto" these these evil-doers' tricks and are not going to take this anywhere nearly as lightly as our own Dumbed-Down Prozac America has. If we read carefully the last sentence we will, however, see what the real intell spin game here is actually all about. We must pay strict attention to the phrase, "the country's immigration laws and border security are too weak to weed out potential terrorists." Sorry, dear allies above, but there must be some deal going down where they need to make a greater commotion about our northern borders being too open and lax. Maybe this article serves to plant a seed that sets us all up for the place of origin for those who will reportedly commit the next US false flag terror attack? Or maybe the twist will be that Canada is going to experience its own 9/11 soon - and this time the evil-doers will come out of Boston's Logan Airport and make their way north through lax borders and flimsy immigration practices? Then again, after 9/11, Washington did try to tell Canadians that the terrorists came from up their way - but Canada just wouldn't have any of it. That's not to say that they're not going to try to say the same thing again after we get hit with the next home-grown "Pearl Harbor" in the heartland. Mon Dieu, please let me be proven wrong. Canada, take note what's going down. And whatever you do, don't let them "9/11" you like they did to us down here! America's simply never recovered from that horrible day and it would be too darn tragic if you let your own corrupt leaders get away with Mass Murder of your citizens, too. Oh Canada, learn from sheer American ignorance! Expose your evil-doing plotters *now* before they implode your skyscrapers, fire a missile at your military command center, and shoot down some sort of aircraft over your rural fields! Educate one another and let those in power know unequivocally that you're *not* going to fall for such an attack (as did your more pitiful, facile neighbors to the south). Please, please, Oh Canada, read between the lines, learn from our mistakes, and make sure that what happened in America is never, ever allowed to be repeated within your own borders. Seize your power, Oh Canada! Dear Canadian Friends, things look pretty bleak for us down here right now as more than half of America is still without a clue. Learn from us, therefore, and do whatever you need to do in order to organize, fight, and resist your own Evil-Doers right this very minute - *now* - while you still can! Cathy Garger 17 terror suspects arrested in Toronto By BETH DUFF-BROWN, Associated Press Writer 39 minutes ago http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060603/ap_on_re_ca/canada_terrorism_arrests
American Citizen Worried About a Canadian 9/11
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