What Chavez meant when he stated that he cannot do it all alone!franz, Lundi, Mai 29, 2006 - 12:59
Franz J. T. Lee
By Franz J. T. Lee What do we understand by "culture"? What is meant by a Cultural Revolution within the Bolivarian Revolution? Let us just summarize fundamental issues of this immense task awaiting us. Although already much too late, why in 1966 did Mao Zedong launch a "Cultural Revolution" against the "Maoists without Mao"? How did he try to circumvent the corrupt bureaucracy of the reigning Communist Party? He directly gave political power to the people, via the popular "Bolivarian Circles", the Chinese "Red Guards", the youth, the future leaders of the country. This "revolution in the revolution" led to the destruction of a great part of past Chinese ideology and practice, of China's ruling class cultural heritage. Unfortunately the counter-revolutionary capitalist forces eventually gained the upper hand and this superstructural revolution was quickly nipped in the bud. Now, let us see what a Cultural Revolution in Venezuela would imply. There are many definitions with regard to the concept "culture", however, what concerns us here are its specific social, ideological, moral and religious dimensions that impede the creation of a revolutionary social class consciousness, a prerequisite for global human emancipation. The word "culture" comes from the Latin root colere, which originally meant to inhabit, to cultivate the soil, to care for nature, to honor what is fertile and feminine, to treasure what gives birth to life, to love what is creative, aphrodisiac and erotic; in short, to further all things that are socially revolutionary and humanly emancipatory. This means that originally this concept was used to refer to still not yet alienated human activity. Only much later, over the last millennia, in perverted class society, its social contents changed radically and ideologically it began to reflect precisely its opposite, the body, mind and thought control mechanisms and devices of the current bourgeois, capitalist "dying culture" (Christopher Caudwell), that is, of the genocidal labor process, of exploitative wage labor, of the gigantic process of giga-profit production in the current mode of imperialist, military self-destruction, that is, in corporate globalization. In current Venezuelan society, a radical cultural revolution would precisely be directed against the latter, against the archaic "opposition", against its decadent "culture". It would re-establish on a higher emancipatory plane Bolivar's daydream, that is, an original human and humane non-alienated, classless society in South America, that would have its utopian forerunner already in pre-Columbian America, long before the Conquest, before colonial plunder and vandalism, before the introduction of alien religion, beliefs, norms, customs and morals. Till today these are playing havoc with Venezuelan politics, are generating and cultivating counter-revolution: triumphalism, pacifism, class consensus, corruption, greed, treachery, treason, insatiable consumerism, big lies, heinous murder, avarice, egoism and vices, in a word, total alienation. Deepening the Bolivarian Revolution simply means that culturally we have to revise our continental integration patterns of social, political and economic behavior inherited from the era of puntofijismo, that is, we have to review our daily thoughts, communication methods and tools, our language, our swearing and cursing, our "Gracias a Dios", "si Dios quiere, "Dios mediante", "Bendición Mamá", our moral values and educational institutions. "Revolution in the revolution" culturally is not a jolly ride, a Sunday afternoon window-shopping spree, it means to change radically our colonial, capitalist modus operandi and modus vivendi, much sacrifice, patience and tolerance, even what we wear and tear, our attitude towards women and children, and vice versa, towards men, to cast away our machismo, complexes, our beauty contests, alien religious beliefs and rituals. Furthermore, we have to revise all our saints and popes, scrutinize our angels and devils, investigate our gospels and epistles, discard quite a lot of our favorite social manners, including boozing, carnival, pan et circenses, prostitution, sabotage, yes, we will have to eliminate bull-fighting, gambling, lotto, our dominating symbols, statues of Christopher Columbus, the Day of the Race, our cell phone culture, our drug culture, our CIA culture. All these have to be surpassed by means of a new, original, authentic and modern revolutionary acculturation, with emancipatory symbols and signs, with proletarian poetry and music, people's arts, crafts and and scientific inventions, that is, with a praxical science, a theoretical philosophy and a creating, creative logic. In the same way that we have no alternative, but to be victorious, similarly, we have no substitute for the above, we have to develop and create the necessary arms of self-defense at top speed before it is too late. We have at our disposal all the necessary natural, social and human sources and resources to accomplish our emancipatory objectives, to transcend this globalized vale of tears, to cross this imperialist Dead Sea, to erase the writing on the wall of Jericho, to cross the Rubicon towards Human Creation and Creativity. In this way, we, the Bolivarian revolutionaries, the masses of Venezuela and Latin America, ... and worldwide there are hundred millions of us ... can develop and apply our own social complex of emancipatory values, logics, ethics, aesthetics, emotions, sentiments, feelings and mores, can we collectively act and cooperate in our own social institutions, our own independent missions, schools and universities, can we internationalize, globalize our cultural revolution, our Bolivarian Revolution. This is what President Hugo Chavez Frias meant when he stated that he cannot do it all alone! As such, taking a "Great Leap Forward", in the emancipatory spirit of Mao Zedong, the Bolivarian Revolution can still create its own cultural revolution, can become a human prefiguration, a trans-historic reflection, a real possibility, a world paradigm for the organization of real, true people's power, of a proletarian vanguard of the working masses of the globe, of an international revolutionary party, of a transitional emancipatory program, that could still guide mankind threatened by North American, global, fascist extinction, from capitalist production towards human inter-galactic creation. Concerning the latter, a few days ago an Indian student asked one of our columnists a few questions about the dangers of the coming inexorable global fascism and how to hedge against it. Stephen Lendman lovingly told him that "if my worse fears happen the only hedge I know may help is a piece of property on another planet far away." Seeing that this concerns culture, the cultural revolution, revolutionary prose and emancipatory poetry, in Venezuela and elsewhere, allow me to conclude this commentary with a simple ad hoc literary and real utopian note. A brilliant figure once said: "Freedom lies in being bold." (Robert Frost) Speaking about human "frost" and "boldly" taking into account Steve's wise suggestion for future self-emancipation of coming human generations, or what would be left of us, let us now excel exploiting labor space and time, let us go on a relaxed, galactic bon voyage, let us rollick around and about all over the Milky Way, for example, let us skate on the bright, smooth surface of one of Jupiter's famous moons. There, far away, from this vale of tears, in planetary autumn, we are now playing with the Phoenician comrade Europa, lovingly helping her to pick cool laurels and bright fragrant flowers for us all; childlike we all are busy scribbling an important message on Intergalaxy that reaches even the Clouds of Magellan: some straight lines and warping cracks on the moon's young smiling, radiant face, that practically remains untouched by the dangerous asteroids, corporate radio-active garbage and galactic wild fires. Now, across the eons and scalar years, our emancipatory message reads: per aspera ad astra, dum spiro spero! We are reaching out for the stars -- as long as we breathe, we hope! Thus, in accordance with Steve's brilliant apercu, far away towards Jupiter's moon Europa and towards anywhere and everywhere else for that matter, far away from this military, planetary, man-made labor inferno, from this ruling class, corporate burning, wild bush fire, from historic cossification, estrangement and alienation, we are diving, delving and entering into other world outlooks, other logics, other realms, other realities, into other dimensions of ourselves, hitherto foridden by religion and churches, cruelly stolen from us by all calibers of ruling overlords in their own dominant class interests. As Bolivarian World Revolution, as global cultural revolution, let us travel towards our own Emancipatory New, and in doing so, let us create it by ourselves, that is, instead of eternally rotting, languishing and agonizing in imperialist Behemoth, in corporate Leviathan, in master-slave death throes; instead of forever being caught up in their mortal fangs and fatal pangs, in a closed world order where heinously and systematically we are being murdered by fraudulent colonial ballots and imperialist atomic bullets, by fascist social world order, consequently, let us do and think something different, something "trifferent"! Let us excel towards ex cathedra, towards "ex-formation", "ex-volution", towards emancipatory exodus. The above is in creation, let us create it. Let human creativity and creation forever exorcize and ostracize production into capitalist oblivion. In brief, instead of taking the earthly, capitulating, Socratic hemlock of cultural opium and ideological strychnine, in galactic mid-summer, finding ourselves on the deadly horns of exodus, of a decisive trilemma, we Bolivarian revolutionaries and global socialists have to take the emancipatory bull by its horns, to create real, human culture; yes, whether we like it or not, we have to make starry hay while we and the cosmic suns still shine. Clothed in our azure cosmic battle attire and covered all over with revolutionary, golden star-dust, by using Tesla's technology and Reich's free orgone, the scientific acts and philosophic ideas of our eternal revolutionaries and emancipators, ... which can not only move mountains, but even planets, or could even cut them into two ... in an Inter-Galactic Cup, we necessarily have to create our own fire-balls, our own rules of the cosmic game. In the crimson dawning, in the endless echoes and howling of the galactic winter winds, cosily making our own igloos and snow-balls, happily listening to our own spherical, emancipatory music, we could envisage the coming spring rhythm of real, true, multiversal human essence, existence and transcendence. The overlords of this world have proclaimed themselves as gods, saints and popes, but they never ever created a single thing, hence creators of the world, all physical and mental "workers", sound your cultural clarion call, your "Diana", you have galaxies to win, by losing your earthly cultural chains. This is what President Hugo Chavez Frias meant when he stated that he cannot do it all alone! By Franz J. T. Lee What do we understand by "culture"? What is meant by a Cultural Revolution within the Bolivarian Revolution? Let us just summarize fundamental issues of this immense task awaiting us. Although already much too late, why in 1966 did Mao Zedong launch a "Cultural Revolution" against the "Maoists without Mao"? How did he try to circumvent the corrupt bureaucracy of the reigning Communist Party? He directly gave political power to the people, via the popular "Bolivarian Circles", the Chinese "Red Guards", the youth, the future leaders of the country. This "revolution in the revolution" led to the destruction of a great part of past Chinese ideology and practice, of China's ruling class cultural heritage. Unfortunately the counter-revolutionary capitalist forces eventually gained the upper hand and this superstructural revolution was quickly nipped in the bud. Now, let us see what a Cultural Revolution in Venezuela would imply. There are many definitions with regard to the concept "culture", however, what concerns us here are its specific social, ideological, moral and religious dimensions that impede the creation of a revolutionary social class consciousness, a prerequisite for global human emancipation. The word "culture" comes from the Latin root colere, which originally meant to inhabit, to cultivate the soil, to care for nature, to honor what is fertile and feminine, to treasure what gives birth to life, to love what is creative, aphrodisiac and erotic; in short, to further all things that are socially revolutionary and humanly emancipatory. This means that originally this concept was used to refer to still not yet alienated human activity. Only much later, over the last millennia, in perverted class society, its social contents changed radically and ideologically it began to reflect precisely its opposite, the body, mind and thought control mechanisms and devices of the current bourgeois, capitalist "dying culture" (Christopher Caudwell), that is, of the genocidal labor process, of exploitative wage labor, of the gigantic process of giga-profit production in the current mode of imperialist, military self-destruction, that is, in corporate globalization. In current Venezuelan society, a radical cultural revolution would precisely be directed against the latter, against the archaic "opposition", against its decadent "culture". It would re-establish on a higher emancipatory plane Bolivar's daydream, that is, an original human and humane non-alienated, classless society in South America, that would have its utopian forerunner already in pre-Columbian America, long before the Conquest, before colonial plunder and vandalism, before the introduction of alien religion, beliefs, norms, customs and morals. Till today these are playing havoc with Venezuelan politics, are generating and cultivating counter-revolution: triumphalism, pacifism, class consensus, corruption, greed, treachery, treason, insatiable consumerism, big lies, heinous murder, avarice, egoism and vices, in a word, total alienation. Deepening the Bolivarian Revolution simply means that culturally we have to revise our continental integration patterns of social, political and economic behavior inherited from the era of puntofijismo, that is, we have to review our daily thoughts, communication methods and tools, our language, our swearing and cursing, our "Gracias a Dios", "si Dios quiere, "Dios mediante", "Bendición Mamá", our moral values and educational institutions. "Revolution in the revolution" culturally is not a jolly ride, a Sunday afternoon window-shopping spree, it means to change radically our colonial, capitalist modus operandi and modus vivendi, much sacrifice, patience and tolerance, even what we wear and tear, our attitude towards women and children, and vice versa, towards men, to cast away our machismo, complexes, our beauty contests, alien religious beliefs and rituals. Furthermore, we have to revise all our saints and popes, scrutinize our angels and devils, investigate our gospels and epistles, discard quite a lot of our favorite social manners, including boozing, carnival, pan et circenses, prostitution, sabotage, yes, we will have to eliminate bull-fighting, gambling, lotto, our dominating symbols, statues of Christopher Columbus, the Day of the Race, our cell phone culture, our drug culture, our CIA culture. All these have to be surpassed by means of a new, original, authentic and modern revolutionary acculturation, with emancipatory symbols and signs, with proletarian poetry and music, people's arts, crafts and and scientific inventions, that is, with a praxical science, a theoretical philosophy and a creating, creative logic. In the same way that we have no alternative, but to be victorious, similarly, we have no substitute for the above, we have to develop and create the necessary arms of self-defense at top speed before it is too late. We have at our disposal all the necessary natural, social and human sources and resources to accomplish our emancipatory objectives, to transcend this globalized vale of tears, to cross this imperialist Dead Sea, to erase the writing on the wall of Jericho, to cross the Rubicon towards Human Creation and Creativity. In this way, we, the Bolivarian revolutionaries, the masses of Venezuela and Latin America, ... and worldwide there are hundred millions of us ... can develop and apply our own social complex of emancipatory values, logics, ethics, aesthetics, emotions, sentiments, feelings and mores, can we collectively act and cooperate in our own social institutions, our own independent missions, schools and universities, can we internationalize, globalize our cultural revolution, our Bolivarian Revolution. This is what President Hugo Chavez Frias meant when he stated that he cannot do it all alone! As such, taking a "Great Leap Forward", in the emancipatory spirit of Mao Zedong, the Bolivarian Revolution can still create its own cultural revolution, can become a human prefiguration, a trans-historic reflection, a real possibility, a world paradigm for the organization of real, true people's power, of a proletarian vanguard of the working masses of the globe, of an international revolutionary party, of a transitional emancipatory program, that could still guide mankind threatened by North American, global, fascist extinction, from capitalist production towards human inter-galactic creation. Concerning the latter, a few days ago an Indian student asked one of our columnists a few questions about the dangers of the coming inexorable global fascism and how to hedge against it. Stephen Lendman lovingly told him that "if my worse fears happen the only hedge I know may help is a piece of property on another planet far away." Seeing that this concerns culture, the cultural revolution, revolutionary prose and emancipatory poetry, in Venezuela and elsewhere, allow me to conclude this commentary with a simple ad hoc literary and real utopian note. A brilliant figure once said: "Freedom lies in being bold." (Robert Frost) Speaking about human "frost" and "boldly" taking into account Steve's wise suggestion for future self-emancipation of coming human generations, let us now excel exploiting labor space and time, let us all take a relaxed galactic bon voyage, and frollick about all over, for example, by skating on the bright, smooth surface of one of Jupiter's famous moons. There in planetary autumn, we are playing with the Phoenician comrade Europa, enjoying picking cool laurels and bright flowers with her; childlike we scribble an important message: some straight lines and warping cracks on the moon's young smiling face, that practically is still untouched by the dangerous asteroids, corporate radio-active garbage and galactic wild fires. Across the aeons and scalar years, our emancipatory message reads: per aspera ad astra, dum spiro spero! We are eaching out for the stars -- as long as we breathe, we hope! Thus, in accordance with Steve's brilliant apercu, far away towards Jupiter's moon Europa and anywhere and everywhere else for that matter, far away from this military, planetary, man-made inferno, from this ruling class, corporate burning, wild bush fire, we could travel, ponder, invent, create. Let us travel towards our own New, and in doing so, let us create it by ourselves, that is, instead of eternally rotting, languishing and agonizing in imperialist Behemoth, in corporate Leviathan, in master-slave death throes, instead of forever being caught up in their mortal fangs and fatal pangs, in a closed world order where heinously and systematically we are being murdered by fraudulent colonial ballots and imperialist atomic bullets, by social order, consequently, let us do and think something different, something "trifferent"! In brief, instead of taking the earthly, capitulating, Socratic hemlock of cultural opium and ideological strychnine, in galactic mid-summer, finding ourselves on the deadly horns of exodus, of a decisive trilemma, we have to take the emancipatory bull by the horns, we have to create real, human culture, we have to make starry hay while we and the cosmic suns still shine. Clothed in our azure cosmic battle attire and covered all over with revolutionary, golden star-dust, by using Tesla's technology and Reich's free orgone ... which can not only move mountains, but even planets, or even cut them into half ... in an Inter-Galactic Cup, we necessarily have to create our own fire-balls, our own rules of the cosmic game. ORIGINAL VERSION:
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