Urgent Action: Phony Debate On AfghanistanAnonyme, Mercredi, Mai 17, 2006 - 04:22 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Eugene Plawiuk
The Harpocrites have pulled another fast one. This time they are heading off protests at the past. They have called for an debate and up down vote on extending our mission in Afghanistan for two years. Contact Your MP NOW and tell them NO extension! That mission is NOT a NATO mission, that mission is being led by the Brits and will not be underway until June. We are running the US mission Operation Enduring Freedom. And like the Americans whom they shamelessly imitate, the Harpocrites are calling for a no amendment, up down vote tommorow night. Just like the Republicans use in the US senate hearings. NDP accuse Tories of 'Rambo-style' tactics on Afghan vote The reason; increasing opposition to Canada's involvement in Afghanistan by Canadians. And knowing the casualties will get greater, and having made promises to the Karzai government, they need to get a two year commitment NOW. Forget Darfur. Our troops are over extended as it is between Haiti and Afghanistan. This is not a debate its a set up. No chance for peace groups to mobilize protests, barely enough time for us to email our MP's. The Liberal caucus is divided. As could be seen on CTV and CBC polticial broadcasts today, with Liberals supporting the extension and questioning it. Clever move by Harper. Just in time for his June meeting with George at the Ranch. Mission accomplished. http://plawiuk.blogspot.com/2006/05/phony-debate-on-afghanistan.html |
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