North America: Big Brother said it: "It's the Moment of Truth!"franz, Lundi, Mai 15, 2006 - 12:29
Franz J. T. Lee
By: Franz J. T. Lee The book of history, of the labor process, of the process of production explains to us what happened, what occurs now, and it can even project our future. Now, in 2006, the moment of truth is arriving for many a thing. In the last century, full many a revolutionary flower was born to blush unseen, and it wasted its sweetness on the desert air. Josip Broz Tito was victorious against both Hitler and Stalin, yet today Yugoslavia is no more, was atomized. The Comintern ... Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin ... triumphed in the October Revolution, seven decades later the Soviet Union evaporated into nothingness. Iraq is being raped, violated, murdered. The German Mark, Hoechst, the Queen Mother, Lady Di, Mother Calcutta ... all are gone with the wind, blown "East of Eden"! Definitely, in the Far East and the Mideast, the imperialist moment of truth has also arrived. In a new rocket race on the Asian mainland, hundred millions of pauperized wage slaves and unemployed workers are in immediate danger of nuclear extinction.. On May 12, 2006, the Washington UPI news analyst, Martin Sieff has informed us that currently "the South Asia ballistic missile and nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan rivals the one between Israel and Iran for being the most dangerous on the planet." True Americans, what happened to your USA, to your democratic elections of, by and for the people? Is your dollar still trustworthy, still worth a farthing? , Did all your daydreams of youth crash with the "Twin Towers," with the "Florida Vote," with the hoaxes of Bush and consorts? Are you facing the biggest crash of all times? Michael C. Ruppert, from the wilderness, already informed you what urgent preparations you must take immediately. * It seems that the moment of truth is arriving on all parts of our planet. White Apartheid South Africa is gone, yet global fascism is here to stay, soon it will devour Southern Africa again. A while ago, on April 26, 2006, Durban has celebrated its first "Unfreedom Day." Beware Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki, the historic moment of truth of the ANC, that defends capitalism heart and soul is also arriving" Why did Nelson Mandela take "no easy walk to freedom"? For what was he "prepared to die"? So that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund now ransack South Africa in a huge wholesale "sell-out" in favor of a powerful black middle class? Why did ex-wife Winnie Mandela exclaim: "This is not the South Africa I ruined my life for?" Yes, the answer is blowing in the subtropical wind of Durban, Natal, of KwaZulu. At a protest march of 5000 South African shack-dwellers who came from 35 informal settlements and who were mourning the “death of freedom," their leader S'bu Zikode synthesized the sad moment of truth about a promising social revolution that was betrayed, was nipped in the bud. Across a whole century the South African Revolution against colonialism and fascism eventually a decade ago degenerated from a "class struggle" into a "race struggle," into reconciliation commissions of "truth," into class consensus, into savage "neo-liberalism," into North American and European corporate imperialism. This historic development should never happen to the Bolivarian Revolution! Venezuela cannot tolerate a new class of Cisneros, Mendozas and Capriles dressed in red! Concerning such exploitation, let us hear what S'bu Zikode has to say. He asked: "How can we celebrate freedom when we only hear tales of freedom or see people’s lives changed for the better in other parts of the country, but never in our communities? ... We are the forgotten people who are expected to be content with sharing five toilets among 5000 people. How can a community of 5000 people celebrate when it is expected to make do with six taps?
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