Buy ’Em While They’re Youngforpressfound, Jeudi, Mai 11, 2006 - 05:37
Henk Ruyssenaars
According to the latest reports US sailors and airmen are being told to fill roles in Iraq normally occupied by Army soldiers. The options? The Pentagon warlords will start the draft (18 to 45) and fabricate another 9/11 type catastrophe to justify the draft and their global holocaust. FPF/Europe - May 11th - 2006 - Ignoring the $billion constructions, the illegally building of permanent bases in Iraq too, 'The Christian Science Monitor' in a contradictory story yesterday headlined the question: "Is US finally ready to withdraw troops from Iraq?" - In this malplaced piece of propaganda collaborator Tom Regan writes: ''Though Iraqi troops are 'very badly equipped' and a new government is still forming, conditions may allow US to start to leave.''* That bait-info is interesting in combination with the information given in an article in 'USA Today': ''About 8,000 sailors are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that number may go as high as 12,000 this year. Several experts say this is not necessary a good sign. Frederick Kagan, a military historian at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, says that asking sailors and airmen to do jobs that normally well-trained soldiers perform, especially in a combat area, is "what you do only when you're desperate." THE BRAINWASHING STARTS EARLY In a very informative article in 'Fort Worth Weekly' it's pointed out that: 'The Army and the Marines failed to meet recruitment goals last year, and the military doesn’t cotton to failure. Maintaining 1.4 million active duty troops and 1.2 million in guard and reserve units, it seemed, required a renewed focus. The Army, the service branch most relied upon in Iraq, raised its maximum age limit for recruits from 35 to 39. - [http://tinyurl.com/kl3vf ] - More benefits were offered. [ ] “The brainwashing starts early,
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