HARPER IS OBEYING WASHINGTONAnonyme, Samedi, Avril 22, 2006 - 20:51
WE HEAR IN CPAC AND THE CORPORATE MEDIA THAT WE MUST JOIN THE GENOCIDE OF BUSH TO PROTECT CANADA FROM TERRORISM. THE PRIME MINISTER AND MEN THAT WILL NEVER DIE IN THE WAR CRIMES OF BUSH ARE THE SPOKESMEN OF SUCH A COURAGEOUS DISPATCH OF BRAVE CANADIAN SOLDIERS TO THE GENOCIDE THAT BUSH IS SUSTAINING IN AFGHANISTAN. WE ARE NOW CRIMINALS OF WAR AND WE WILL BE FOR THE FIRST TIME, TARGET OF ARAB PATRIOTS DEFENDING THEIR LAND FROM THE HORDES OF BUSH AND OTHER CRIMINALS OF WAR IN WASHINGTON. OUR RESPECTABLE AND BRAVE SOLDIERS HAVE BEEN IMPOSED CRIMINAL DUTIES BY A HARPER OBEYING TO BUSH. Our lobbyist minister of defence is encouraging immense expenditures that favour his former clients, and has changed the assignment of our troops in Afghanistan from peacekeeping to active participation of our soldiers in the war crimes of Bush. The number of soldiers being exposed is constantly increasing. Harper obeys to Bush and allows the lobbyist to spend the most for his former clients. These brave soothsayers will never expose their own lives in Afghanistan. Our brave and ethical soldiers will. While this convenient waste is approved, the whole national program of child care is being dismantled, although it was approved in a budget of the previous government that received the support of the majority in the last Parliament. The Opposition parties have responded spineless and meekly to this action of Harper. Our troops deserve respect and if any government orders our noble soldiers to participate in genocide, the Opposition must speak up clearly and firmly, in spite of the brainwashing by all the corporate media, including CPAC the worst offender. If they must defeat the government and call a new election, so be it. I’ll be glad to go to new elections if Parliament affirms that our soldiers will maintain the duties established by Pearson, as keepers of the peace in the world, and would never go to war without the approval of Parliament. Liberals, NDP and Quebecois have now the opportunity of building a representative Parliament of Canadians, by Canadians and for Canadians. This arrogant minority government puts the country closer to democracy, if an opposition leader has the guts to serve the people, and launch the election to protect the life and dignity of our soldiers. We cannot, as a nation, accept that because America is lead by a mentally-ill, drunken President, our troops must be made target of the civil war that America has fabricated in Iraq, Afghanistan and very shortly in Iran that will escalate to nuclear holocaust. In America important and trustworthy people speak of impeaching Bush and he is detested by over 65% of the citizens of the USA. Only fanatics, puritans and assassins like Robertson back the intoxicated Bush. This is a minority government. The Opposition has the power to reverse these criminal orders given by a lobbyist in the interest of his former clients. Let’s have an election and let’s bring our heroes back to Canada. Liberals and NDP would lead the next majority government with 75 Quebecois in Opposition. Jorge Torrealba, author of Counterattack, a Treatise on Human Economics,
Jorge Torrealba
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