Covert Domestic Operations in USAAnonyme, Mardi, Avril 18, 2006 - 23:39
David Astin
Evidence of Covert Domestic Operations in USA To whom it may concern, Beginning approximately 5 1/2 years ago, in October 2000, my life underwent what I will characterize as "immense change" due to a set of events that occurred; many of the details of which, in my judgement, I do not feel are appropriate to talk about publically yet; so at the present time I will remain silent on these issues. This puts me, in writing this document and also, in general, in communicating about these events, in a difficult position; the difficult position of having to be circumspect in my description of these events. So given this understanding, that I will be circumspect in my description, I will, briefly and very generally describe these events. I am a non-degreed engineer and inventor. My work generally draws from wide variety of fields and areas of study that include aspects of electronics and applied physics. I work on projects that are most often deemed to be novel by my understanding of the prior art involved and by those of my peers that have an understanding of these projects. For many years prior to 5 1/2 years ago I would often work on many projects simultaneously, many of these being conceptual in nature; I often work in an "abbreviated manner" in terms of recordation. Following, the description of the above referred events will be very general and brief; this is intentional. I am able to describe these events in detail but, as mentioned above, I will not do so here in this document. In October 2000, in what appears to be a response to my communication with another company, I became aware that industrial espionage may be occurring at my shop at 2310 28th Street in Santa Monica California; I then further Beginning in Jan/Feb 2001 I recieved threatening letters; I was subjected to harassment that included a threating request for aspects of my work by 'door to door' sales people; a sequence of events then unfolded into what I would characterize as culminating in "a dispute" with federal authorities (the details of which touch an issue that is cleary 'sensitive'). My shop was then entered with clear indications that documents (paper documents) had been examined. I was subjected to what I would plainly characterize as "violent assualt" that included the use of volitile chemicals; I will not detail the exact nature of the assualt here in this document. The harassment and assualt continued; it appeared to me at the time that a possible objective was to bring an end to my life and certainly there was no way to remain in my shop. In the course of telephone conversations with Bob in Feburary/March/April 2001, he suggested to me that I was in trouble for "trying to do business with a known spy." Bob explained to me that "there was nothing that he could do," "I should just try to stay alive" and many other details including, at a later date, instructions that I was to move all of my materials into storage with the qualification "that I can take my books" but that "I should not take my laptop computer"; that the laptop must remain in storage. The storage location is located at Westwood Self Storage; I have not entered this unit since depositing the remaining contents of my shop into this unit however I have reason to believe that the unit may have been accessed and some of its contents altered and/or destroyed. I was also informed by Bob that "you will never get credit for your work". After many weeks of "fighting it out," trying to remain in my shop, I left to stay at my mothers house; actually this happened in a manner where I came back to my shop and tried to resume work and was repeatedly forced out. My shop remained abandoned for months with me only returning for a few minutes at a time in order to feed my cats. To my knowledge, the address 2310 28th Street no longer exists; the units 2308 and 2310 were combined to form the address 2308. Intermittent harassment and assault has continued up until recently, some examples include being 'drugged'; verbally-delivered threats to my own well being and well being of loved ones; disappearence of emails from Bob and unauthorized access to one of my voice messaging systems. An important question for me to state my awareness of, and that persons reading this document would likely ask, is "why has the assault, that I allege, been essentially non-lethal?" Although I believe that I know the answer to the aforementioned question, it is not a requirement that this question initially be answered in light of evidence that I am able to provide (see last paragraph of this document). I strongly believe that Bob tried to get the assualt to stop, and subsequently clearly appeared to have been assualted in such a manner so as to discredit him. As of the 030606 writing of this document Bob was no longer talking with me directly about these events and in conversations with Bob prior to 030606 he appeared to be frightened; it appeared that he had been somehow threatened. I have been reduced to survival; being cautious about many aspects of my life. My outward manifest productivity has dropped to near zero. These events have had a profound impact on my life and career. I write this letter with the understanding that there is likely significant risk to my personal safety involved. I love my country; and what I have seen makes me realize that because of my nature I have no choice but to continue to try to report to the proper authority about these crimes including the possibility that sensitive information related to our My name is David Astin. I am a non-degreed engineer and inventor. I am able to produce strong and compelling evidence that elements connected to the Department of Defense are involved in domestic harassment, assault and possible assasination of American citizens; this concerns issues that are sensitive that cannot be made public at the present time. I am trying to establish 'safe passage' to the Senate Intelligence Committee where I can provide the afore mentioned evidence. David A. Astin
David Astin
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