Do like the French and Fight for your Rights!forpressfound, Vendredi, Avril 14, 2006 - 11:36
Henk Ruyssenaars
European slavery: The 'managers' running Holland with it's 16 million inhabitants, will start 'opening' the borders for workers coming May 1st. Even if desperate people want to work for 10 cents an hour, without social security. Sold to the cheapest bidder... FPF - Amsterdam/Paris - April 14th 2006 - While Paris and the rest of France was still smoldering, the international propaganda press like the BBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, AP, Reuters, ANP, UPI and all the others criminally collaborating in the 'Project for a Profitable American Century', keep explaining that in France people fought for their 'de luxe' social system 'which the State could not afford'. ''They were egoistically defending their privileges'', it was said. Which was absolutely not true: also the French want to avoid the inhuman American style slave labor misery. They fought and demonstrated in the streets of more than 200 cities across the country, in factories, offices and universities, - and will keep fighting their social struggle one hopes - to avoid an abuse of mankind such as is clearly seen in the United States and many of the colonies in it's malignant sphere of raw influence. The French labor law also would make it possible again to let 14 year olds work for free, and have 15 year olds working night shifts. All sold to the cheapest bidder, who can fire any slave at will, because that's the overall plan for this European part of the PNAC empire for profit too. - [http://tinyurl.com/laopc] EASY FIRED, EASY HIRED? When the explanation was given that 'Easy fired, is easy hired' - all human beings with common sense first shook their heads in disbelief, and now still shake their fists at those French ministerial crooks advocating this nefarious nonsense. - [http://tinyurl.com/gbdft] - It was the same sound reaction as when the French - and later on the Dutch - voted NO to the European 'Superstate' - [http://tinyurl.com/b8w9s] - which apart from more illegal wars involving UN 'peace troops' and NATO cannon fodder, guaranteed lower wages for everybody, because that's what the whole 'reform' trick is about. In the May issue of 'The Progressive' Barbara Ehrenreich correctly writes about American employees as 'Kleenex Workers' and defends the French protests: "Throughout the month of March and beyond, they were demonstrating, rioting, and burning up cars to preserve a right Americans can only dream of: the right not to be fired at an employer's whim. What [PNAC] corporations call "flexibility"- the right to dispose of workers at will - is what workers experience as disposability, not to mention insecurity and poverty. The French students who were tossing Molotov cocktails didn't want to become what they call "a Kleenex generation"- used and tossed away when the employer decides he needs a fresh one. - [http://tinyurl.com/eelxb] SUPPORTING THE ILLEGAL WARS SACRIFICING PEOPLE, NATO $BILLIONS, MENTAL AND OTHER HEALTH Another example of the wrecking of European wealth and countries: The Netherlands suffers now openly as a PNAC colony, with a strongly rising poverty rate (11%+) - in one of the richest countries on earth, and as #3 after England concerning The Group's 'bleeding' a modern society and supporting the illegal wars sacrificing people on the battlefields and by DU radiation, NATO $billions, mental and other health - in The Netherlands the wages are like in the US since Carter, and the UK, going down steadily. The National Health Services have been privatized and turned into life/death lotteries, if one can't afford treatment and/or medicines. It's getting like in the United States, which send - as The Los Angeles Times described this creature - the worst kind of loan shark and US #1 usurer Arnall - a Bush contributor - as 'ambassador' to The Netherlands. ''A straight slap in the face'', many people in Holland said. The 'PNAC puppets' in The Hague were silent. And most of Dutch journalism is in a commercial crap coma. WORK FOR 10 CENTS AN HOUR? The 'managers' running the 'royal' SHELL fiefdom with it's 16 million abused inhabitants, have now decided to start opening up the borders coming May 1st for everybody - even if desperate people want to work for 10 cents an hour. There will be no legal obligation for an employer anymore to check whether a job can be given to an unemployed Dutch citizen first. People will not get help from anybody but the volunteers, but as long as they can work and are profitable they will be squeezed out as lemons and than thrown away. The creatures running this usury 'economy' do absolutely not care whether people live or die, nor how they die, as long as they produce profit at the lowest possible wages: "We are becoming the sewer of Europe." Dutch Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen said in a comment on the inhuman acts by the so called 'government' - the group of war criminals which is fronting for the PNAC group of multinationals, scavenging the earth. - [SP - Sorry, in Dutch: http://tinyurl.com/h56t3] UNIONS: INFILTRATED AND CORRUPTED The defense of the workers rights, would normally in Europe too be expected from the workers own unions, but they've become so infiltrated and corrupted, that - as was shown in France the first weeks - those so called unions do as little as is possible, en never more than a symbolic demonstration, while thousands upon thousands have been fired the past weeks in The Netherlands for instance. The lame unions are a disgrace, with the people paying and losing all the time. In a very good article called "Empire’s War on Labor" American author Charles Sullivan writes: "Our government is killing millions of innocent civilians, people like us in every part of the planet, while laying waste to the world for the private gain of a few. The people should be up in arms. But there is hardly a whimper of protest. We can hardly pry the average citizen away from American Idol and Survivor; much less get them into the streets to demand an end to wage slavery and to fight for social justice. WHY DO WE CHOOSE TO LIVE ON OUR KNEES RATHER THAN STAND ON OUR FEET AND FIGHT FOR WHAT WE KNOW IS RIGHT? Millions of workers in France are filling the streets and committing acts of civil disobedience because they can be fired by their employers without reason. They have joined the ranks of at will employees. Have we regressed into a nation of obedient sheep, incapable of making trouble? American workers should be in the streets demonstrating solidarity with our French brethren. We should be in the streets with our Latino brothers and sisters razing hell. We should be there with Cindy Sheehan. Why does ninety-nine percent of the population consent to be ruled by the other one percent? Why are we so damned polite and servile? Were our backbones removed at birth? Were we born without conscience, without a sense of right and wrong? DO WE EXIST ONLY TO CONSUME GOODS; TO SERVE AS CANON FODDER IN IMPERIALISM’S WARS? FREEDOM IS NOT GIVEN, IT IS WON. WIN OR LOSE, WE MUST FIGHT THE FIGHT." Sullivan and all other people using their brain are right: When you are up against ''the crazies'' as the PNAC pack is called in Washington: you got to fight! AND SINCE THEY ILLEGALLY USE VIOLENCE, WE ALL ARE LAWFULLY ENTITLED TO DO THE SAME. START LOADING! HENK RUYSSENAARS Do yourself a favor and read the rest of this very good article by Sullivan: Information Clearing House - Click to read or post comments on this article - Url.: http://informationclearinghouse.info/article12706.htm * Victory! France scraps anti-labor law - French President Jacques Chirac bowed April 10 to the pressure of millions of students and workers marching across France and withdrew a hated law. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zrbco * LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - ''LIBERTY, EQUALITY, SECURITY'' - By Ignacio Ramonet - English - ''Far from being “the sick man of Europe
Foreign Press Foundation
Sullivan article at ICH
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