
Filipino Social Democrats assure extreme leftist BAYAN solons case against them very strong

Anonyme, Vendredi, Avril 14, 2006 - 02:12


Jesuit priest Fr. Romeo J. Intengan, one of the founding leaders of the Partido Demokratiko-Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (PDSP) and author of the Ateneo study asserting that party-list lawmakers belonging to the extreme left channeled millions of pork barrel funds to communist rebels, slammed anew the party-list solons.

“The details that BAYAN MUNA party-list Rep. Satur Ocampo and his colleagues (Rafael Mariano, and Teodoro Casiño of BAYAN MUNA; Liza Maza of GABRIELA; Joel Virador Crispin Beltran of ANAKPAWIS) want, regarding the diversion of their pork barrel funds to abet communist insurgency, are now part of the evidence in the rebellion charges being filed by government against them,

The PDSP leader is reacting to Ocampo’s complaint that his report, The Armed Forces of the Philippines: Defender of the Nation, Guardian of Democracy, and Servant of the People, does not cite a single instance in which public funds were channeled to the communist rebels.

“More cases are being prepared against them. I cannot give details now as I do not want to jeopardize the witnesses who have committed to testify to back up the cases against them,

Partido Demokratiko-Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (PDSP)
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Sison-NDF-Consultant-BAYAN.jpg0 octets

We are being persecuted
Teddy Casi?ɬ
Jeu, 2006-04-20 00:58

I am one of the five Philippine legislators now holed up in Congress under threat of arrest due to trumped up charges of rebellion by the Arroyo government. One of our colleagues, Rep. Crispin Beltran, was arrested without warrant and in violation of his constitutional rights last Feb. 25, a day after Pres. Arroyo declared a "state of national emergency" which resulted in the banning of all rallies and public demonstrations, the attempted take-over of critical media outlets, and attempted arrest of five other Leftist legislators including myself.

The Philippine Congress accorded us protective custody to prevent our warrantless arrest and to ensure that due process is observed in the wake of the Arroyo regime's crackdown on critics. We can not leave the premises of Congress because the police and (in)justice department has vowed to arrest us on the pretext that rebellion, being a "continuing crime," allows warrantless arrests. The Inter-Parliamentary Union is already investigating the matter and many parliamentarians from all over the world have called on the Arroyo government to stop persecuting us, without avail. For more information, you can go to our blogsite at

Now regarding the psuedo-Left PDSP and its leaders, please be advised that they are serving as the Arroyo regime's ideological Rasputins in trying to annihilate the Left from mainstream Philippine politics. PDSP's chairperson Norberto Gonzales is Arroyo's national security adviser - a fascist if ever there was one. It's founding leader, Jesuit priest Romeo Intengan, recently came up with an article titled "The Armed Forces of the Philippines: Defender of the Nation, Guardian of Democracy, and Servant of the People" where he exalts the fascist AFP and calls on it to continue its massacre of activists and progressives. Their job is to link legal Leftist parties in the Philippines to the armed movement and thereby make us targets of military action and political persecution.

This is the second time that I have come across this malicious posting, the other one was at the Indymedia SF site in the States (editors promptly hid the post from public viewing). I do hope that your website will not be used to propagate the kind of lies that PDSP and their ilk dish out. Thanks.

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