Venezuela: Beware, what is being planned will not be April 11 again, it will be far worsefranz, Mardi, Avril 11, 2006 - 17:47
Franz J. T. Lee
![]() By Franz J. T. Lee More than five years ago, at the eve of the 21st century, on September 22nd , 2000, making comments about the global, fascist actuality of Big Brother, I was quoting some pertinent passages for Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution from George Orwell's famous book, "Nineteen Eighty-four": O'Brien, the Party member, was explaining to Winston Smith, "the last man of his race", the "world of fear and treachery" in which he was living, the reality of Capitalism of the 21st Century: "A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless, as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. ... In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy." About this "world of fear and treachery and torment" daily we are informing our readers. Within the context of progressively eliminating "obsolete" physical labor forces, by means of all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, especially in the "Third World", a while ago, we referred to a typical example of a serious biological arm, that in all probability is being produced by the US war economy already in shambles. The macabre irony of this matter is that in September 2003, a 15 million dollar "research grant" was awarded in the United States to develop "protective measures" especially against a "bioterrorist attack with flu viruses." On October 9, 2003, a news release of the "Sunshine Project" warned us about the inhuman, heinous war experiments of the Pentagon: "Lethal Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed US Army scientists create "Spanish Flu" virus in laboratory - medical benefit questionable (Austin and Hamburg, 9 October 2003) The 'Spanish Flu' influenza virus that killed 20-40 million people in 1918 is currently under reconstruction. Several genes of the extraordinarily lethal 1918 flu virus have been isolated and introduced into contemporary flu strains. These proved to be lethal for mice, while virus constructs with genes from a current flu virus types had hardly any effect. These experiments may easily be abused for military purposes, but provide little benefit from a medical or public health point of view." As we would remember, the Spanish Flu of 1918 "was highly infectious and in comparison to contemporary flu viruses killed a very high percentage of those infected, including many younger people. The Spanish Flu alone caused the medium life expectancy in the US in 1918 to drop by 10 years." Now, more than two years later, in the inexorable fascist process of US global preemptive wars, of globally destroying obsolete labor "mad cows" by the millions, according to a report of April 05, 2006 of Laura Heinauer of the American-Statesman Staff, a University of Texas professor, Eric R. Pianka, is telling us "about the potential for epidemics in the face of uncontrolled population growth ... A Gazette-Enterprise reporter who heard Pianka speak Friday on the same topic quoted him saying disease 'will control the scourge of humanity. We're looking forward to a huge collapse.' ... Some heard the comments as simply a warning. To others, however, it sounded like Pianka was advocating the use of deadly viruses to kill off millions of peope." This report confirms that imperialist corporatism, that the industrial and military complex of the United States long ago was already planning to eliminate "world poverty" by eliminating the obsolete "poor workers" themselves, especially by means of "the use of deadly viruses (like AIDS) to kill off millions of people," in poor regions in Africa and elsewhere. Experts suspect that these deadly weapons of mass destruction are being produced secretly in special United States military laboratories. Concerning all such cardinal, capital crimes against humanity, and similar weapons of mass destruction that were used in Iraq, in Fallujah, and which could be used in the near future against Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, already on September 26, 2004, we warned: "At the moment, Latin America, Venezuela, Afghanistan and Iraq are experiment stations for all these mind and thought control devices, are guinea-pigs to test all the deadly, genocidal weapons of the USA, hence, Venezuela, beware! There are more than four "jíneteras del apocalípsis". The CIA hound-dogs, the moribund 'coordinated, democratic' werewolves are everywhere, in church, in our beds, in the kindergarten, in class, in our development projects, in our very governments, in our political parties, in our very brains." Meanwhile, on April 1, 2006, Julian Borger in The Guardian informed us about another huge weapon of mass destruction, about the Pentagon planning a record-breaking explosion in the Nevada desert on June 2, "detonating 635 tonnes of high explosives and sending a mushroom cloud into the sky over the Nevada desert. ... (This experiment) is designed to test the impact of bunker-busting bombs aimed at underground targets." What is the bottom line of all this? "The blast comes at a time of rising tension with Iran over its nuclear programme. The US has refused to rule out military action and is considering the feasibility of destroying underground warhead development sites Iran is alleged to have built. ... The White House and the Pentagon wanted to develop a nuclear bunker-buster bomb, but the initiative was blocked by Congress, obliging the defence department to experiment further with conventional explosives." An article in the April 17 issue of The New Yorker magazine by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said "that Bush and others in the White House have come to view Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a potential Adolf Hitler." Look who is talking! Now, after President Chavez also Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a potential Hitler candidate. And look what should be used against such "dictators": "One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh writes." Studying some of the secret documents and other information partially declassified by the State Department in 2000, we could study some of the machinations of "treason in wartime". On December 24, 2004, an article written by Andrew Greeley, explained the following: "They (the documents) show a pattern of behavior on the part of the intelligence community and those who control them for fabricating information to justify preemptive wars on sovereign nations for nefarious reasons. We have become the aggressor nation. It is no more glaring than in the arrogance for continued war in Iraq." Concerning the Mental Holocaust, the Mind and Thought Control in which the huge mass media on a global scale are participating, he asks some fundamental questions, especially to North America in slumber: "When we will have had enough of rape and torture in the prisons of Iraq, perpetrated by Americans? When will we no longer hear the screams at Abu Ghraib of those mothers forced to watch their sons being sodomized by Americans? How many CIA were dressed in military uniforms in charge of the torture at these prisons throughout the world? This is the modus operandi from the Vietnam War, as you will see below. Sources and methods be damned! And is it any wonder that NONE of this documented evidence has seen the light of day in the US media? Is it any wonder that all this damning information falls on deaf ears and blind editors? Egregious you say? Read on." Meanwhile other weapons of mass destruction, that are running wild already, are attacking Iran and other countries, even the USA itself. Some got totally out of control, and they ... including their dangerous side.products, for example, radio-activity ... threaten to destroy life on the planet for millions of years to come. As a result of the warming up of the planet, towards the end of this century, places and regions like England, Holland, Northern Germany, Guyana, Bird Island, Margarita or the Caribbean islands may all disappear under the ocean. Many living species will die out, and the release of dangerous methane and other gases captured in the polar ice will eventually escape and cause irreparable damage everywhere. The climate, the weather, violent changes of extreme temperatures, long droughts, powerful hurricanes and heavy earthquakes will play havoc, will make future human life apocalyptic, a real Via Crucis, a true Golgotha. Yes, HAARP is ruling the electromagnetic waves, from Alaska to Asia, to Africa, to America, it rules Eurasia, Oceania, the seven seas, the hot Indian and the cold Agulhas currents. We all know that the USA possesses WMDs that could shake the very foundations of Iran, could cut the planet earth into halves, and yet, this arrogant Leviathan is still offering "earthquake assistance" to Iran. What a scandalous, hypocritical Bush military junta! In the case of Vargas, probably something very similar had happened, however, smelling a Yankee rat, at the right time, at the right place, very wisely President Hugo Chavez Frias replied: "No thank you, Mr. Danger!" Currently in the Caribbean area, near to Venezuela and Cuba, the United States and NATO forces in weird military training exercises are intimidating us, are trying to instill "shock and awe", to affect the outcome of the current presidential elections. In reality they form the terrorist flanks of the current onslaught against South America, of the ALCA, of the internal plotting forces, financed by Bush and aided by the CIA and paramilitary troops. In fact, the Yankee forces in the region definitely form part of the plotting plans of a specific military invasion of Venezuela and Cuba in the very near future. The individual related reasons we have elaborated in previous commentaries. They all boil down to a single driving force: global, capitalist, imperialist production itself is in danger, the only way to try to stop its inexorable decay is the aggressive, terrorist capturing of the remaining energy resources, the brutal, merciless destruction of capital, infrastructures and labor forces in fascist world wars, that have begun already. The Third World War is already in full forward march, the previous ones have taken more than 100 million lives, this one will cost billions. This is the huge price that imperialist corporatism ... especially the USA and Europe ... is prepared to pay for its senseless survival, for a short, new lease of life. Hence, here and now, we should be on Alert Red, the Bolivarian Revolution is seriously in danger. Beware Zulia! This state, facing "Plan Colombia", forms part of the Achilles' Heel of our national defense system. Of course, the Bolivarian government knows what is being planned. This time it will not be caught off guard. However, there are times when the citizens should not be troubled unnecessarily. However, this time, where the counter-revolutionary forces are prepared to invade Venezuela marching over human corpses, thousands of Venezuelans should be informed about the current critical situation. In revolutionary fairness, at least when we are offering our very lives in defense of humanity, we should know beforehand what really is awaiting us. If not, in ignorance, how will we be victorious? Venezuela: Beware, what is planned will not be April 11 again, it will be far worse. Thus, the terrorist, pharisaic chickens of the United States are coming home to roost, they are on their way to the Americas, but before this, they will be heading for Iran, yes, "their feathers are soaked with blood and oil". |
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