Interviews with Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt on Wake Up With Coop Radio, Vancouverfranz, Samedi, Avril 1, 2006 - 19:11
Franz J. T. Lee
Concerning the current situation in Venezuela, United States conspiracy, and Information War against President Hugo Chavez Frias. Your Hosts: 'Beware the beast man, for he is the devil's pawn. -- Dr. Zaius, Planet Of The Apes- In Times of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth As usual, Franz and Jutta, with their usual praxical incision and theoretical precision are analyzing the current situation in Venezuela within the Latin American context. Franz describes the forward march of the Bolivarian Revolution in the State of Mérida, and answers the central question currently whether we have social reform or social revolution here in Venezuela. Jutta analyzes the many victories and the huge problems of the Government of President Hugo Chavez Frias over the last seven years and illustrates their national and international concatenations. To download and to listen to these mp3 files from the archives of Wakeupcoop Radio, kindly click on the respective links below: Jutta Schmitt, German citizen, associate professor ad honorem in the University of The Andes, Merida, on events in Venezuela. Franz J T Lee, professor in Merida, speaks on gains of the Bolivarian Revolution.
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