Venezuela: In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary praxisfranz, Mercredi, Mars 29, 2006 - 16:10
Franz J. T. Lee
By Franz J. T. Lee What turbulent, dangerous times! In 2006 alone, earthquakes, earthquakes everywhere. Are we being accustomed to big disasters to come? Earthquakes of high magnitude, in Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Indonesia, East Timor, Fiji, West Bengal, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Algeria, ... Northern and Southern Iran, India, Pakistan .... Will the next great earthquake be in China, Venezuela or in Los Angeles? Like always, will Chavez again be blamed for all these "natural" disasters? Surely, Yankee angels do not play this HAARP! After the latest solar eclipse, the Turks now also fear an earthquake. What is happening on Mother Earth? Will we soon fear earthquakes (weapons of mass destruction) more than we fear our slave masters? After the planned, combined US-European project of constructing an artificial star in Marseilles, to produce energy for the next decades to come, now the Chinese also have created their own "artificial sun". On planet earth. momentous events and inventions are multiplying, are transcending themselves; we can barely follow the dramatic changes with our bicameral and binary minds. Meanwhile, dangerous conflicts, fire and brimstone are already lighting up the Oriental horizons, very near to the Chinese borders, near to the main competitor for world hegemony. We witness Bush's nuclear flirt with India, that since decades is in conflict with Pakistan, that is, with another ally of Washington, that also possesses nuclear arms. Here we see the old Iraq-Iran, Hussein and Bin Laden alternate CIA war games again. In reality, the Pentagon is already trying to pre-empt a possible. future military and economic alliance between India and China, is trying to convert Mother India into another Israel, into a bullying Yankee vassal state in the Far East. At the same time, fired on by the political lava of the internal boiling cauldron of the Korean conflict itself, the USA is not under-estimating North Korea's military "ability to launch a pre-emptive attack on the United States" , also not its logical argument that "it had built atomic weapons to counter the U.S. nuclear threat." Towards the Mid-Eastern front, even with the striking help of Israel, things are not quite so prosperous for North America, not for the greenback either. Iran's oil weapons, its oil bourse, its planned petro-dollar boycott, its long distance military missiles and ground forces are driving Bush totally nuts, that is why he should be daydreaming now already about launching the next Bin Laden "9/11" family hoax, that is, another Cheney-Rumsfeld, another Big Business Lie pretty soon again. On the other hand, the United States military experiments to produce more weapons of mass destruction continue. Now, "facing problems in its efforts to train insects or build robots that can mimic their flying abilities, the U.S. military now wants to develop 'insect cyborgs' that can go where its soldiers cannot." The level of global destruction is incredible. Soon the USA will construct "graboids" to undermine the peasant movement in Chiapas, Mexico. This capitalist mode of destruction is aimed at destroying all life on this planet. As said before, many serious political analysts fear that Bush and his military consorts are planning another "9/11" hoax, to launch multiple air strikes against the "axis of evil". Soon the CIA phantom, Osama bin Laden, will appear on the scene again, and millions of mind-controlled and blind-folded world citizens, especially millions of North American citizens, will again believe in the Newspeak, fascist garbage that will come from the international mass media. . Yes, when will we stop "believing", and start thinking for the very first time in our lives? Also here in Venezuela, in Latin America, on a continent of millions of staunch believers, many comrades, many Bolivarians still believe in the Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda myths of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Co. Belief, especially the religious variety, is a fertile breeding ground for ideological, fascist hoaxes: the only remedy against such lies and myths is a functioning, thinking, reasoning brain, that soberly reflects intelligence, scientific knowledge and philosophic wisdom. In a nut-shell, the real, true (wo)man should be an earthly fighter who was born and bred in scientific praxis and philosophic theory, and who on a global scale permanently should excel towards future human self-creation, natural creativity and social recreation. This should be our future, should be the emancipatory essence of our future generations to come. In this revolutionary spirit, Iran and Venezuela ... although both are essentially still capitalist ... their brave peoples, are demonstrating to the world, as emancipatory paradigms, their mighty citizen labor power, but also their economic weapons, their abundant oil and gas resources. At the current rate of energy consumption of the USA, of about 40% of world production, within a decade the USA would have used up all its domestic resources and reserves. This is why this Super Moloch is so desperate. Apart from the eternal fear of Truth, that billions could discover the real Truth about Capitalism, this is the concrete productive, energetic Achilles' Heel of the USA! Surely, as the 20th century has demonstrated already, nearly all the big social revolutions have failed, also the fake ones, they just could not survive under the tremendous pressures of the metropolitan war economies. Hence, it becomes necessary in the 21st century, in the epoch of assymetric nuclear wars of low intensity, to put all our economic weapons against global, capitalist, imperialist corporatism. Without us, without our labor power, without our natural and intellectual sources and resources, parasitic imperialism and corporatism would surely die away. However, we should note, that as long as we remain capitalist consumers, investors and profit mongers, as long as we still preserve a capitalist master-slave mentality, remain within the reformist limits of bourgeois capitalist democracy, and just for the fun of it, want to topple world capitalism, by means of oil sanctions and petro-dollar boycotts against Big Brother, and if we would even succeed to destroy the world market, which is not quite an impossible task nowadays, this would be tantamount to global mass suicide. In its far-reaching, fatal results such myopic, unilateral adventures would be equivalent to establishing chaotic, terrorist conditions that would border on World Nazism or Global Stalinism. The innocent victims that would die like flies would go into billions. Hence, we have to be very careful with our conceptions of revolution and emancipation. This is why we ourselves, we Venezuelans, have to define our Bolivarian Revolution with scientific precision and to describe its historic objectives with philosophic incision. In Globalization, making a revolution against capitalism and imperialism is a very delicate and dangerous endeavor, it needs highly responsible social classes, brilliant emancipatory minds and movements from below, from above, from everywhere, from all over. It is not a one man responsibility, it has nothing to do with messianic principles, it is an emancipatory exodus of mankind out of self-destruction, out of the current slavery of globalization. Hence the emancipatory process out of this capitalist vale of tears can only be a triple, a "trialogical" exit, a completely new mode of human excellence. This means that within the revolutionary process in Venezuela, we have to act of ourselves, to think by ourselves and to excel for ourselves, all at the same time, that is here and now. We have to destroy the unilateral, productive, alienating perversion with multilateral. collective, solidaric, creative militancy. Current, global, globalized capitalism only destroys, it cannot save anybody anymore, not even itself. Ask the hundred thousands of innocent, dead victims of "9/11", of Afghanistan, of Iraq, and they will confirm the above, the Truth of Thanatos, of Death, and thus will negate all the Lies of the Corporate "Life Sciences". We have to destroy, to construct and to create everything anew, even ourselves too, all this at the same time, in order to prevent an apocalyptic tsunami, should the US dollar, the world market and the corporate system crash under global revolutionary popular pressure and the heavy burden of their very own irreconcilable, dialectical, capitalist, inherent contradictions. This should be the emancipatory "starting point" of formulating a Bolivarian Praxis and Theory of Revolution, of making and telling the Truth. Now, leaving all the corrupt vices and criminal conspiracies against Venezuela's democratic government aside, we find ourselves in this complex, complicated, apocalyptic situation, which we have to explain as transhistoric Truth in simple terms to the currently rebelling masses of South America, in total battle array against the Yankee ALCA in Peru, Ecuador and elsewhere. As dawning Truth, as the glorious ALBA of Latin America, our fresh, evergreen Bolivarian Revolution should advance with dialectical leaps and "trialogical" bounds, should become a majestic clarion call for the rest of the world, sounding also in faraway Nepal or Sri Lanka, as that what Chavez has called neither capitalist nor socialist, but something else, new, that is, something totally "trifferent" (our concept). At the moment, within the context of the "energy crisis", the oil producing countries possess a truly invincible arm against United states vandalism and arrogance. But it must be applied with great caution and care. How delicate is the current situation, is being demonstrated by the US plea to its most loyal Asian ally, Japan, "at least to halt the two-billion-dollar Azadegan project" of oil development in Iran. Furthermore, Russia and China openly support Iran; the world war is taking shape, by demonstrating its true colors, its politico-economic essence. After slave production, the era of human creation is dawning on the galactic horizon; at the speed of scalar waves, man is recapturing all his divine faculties that since millennia were projected into religious, idealist, metaphysical outer space, outside his own human universe, into the heavenly or hellish nothingness of the hereafter. Faced with brutal extinction, urgently, wo/man needs them now for her/his exodus out of the labor process, out of formal logical evolution, out of dialectical revolution, straight forwards towards transhistoric. galactic emancipation. To save mankind from the North American fascist plague, it has to become itself again, find itself, disalienate, emancipate itself ... there is no other road to human existence and human transcendence anymore. Now, let us briefly look at all this within the context of the current panorama around Venezuela, in a world of United States treachery and criminality, of trying to balkanize Venezuela and Bolivia, a divide et impera strategy that bore mighty fruits in the ex-Soviet Union, in Eastern Europe and Yugoslavia. In fact, the USA already wants a type of "diplomatic" or "cultural" representation in Zulia State, as if it is already an independent nation. On March 24, 2006, reports from Jamaica confirmed that currently a series of military and paramilitary exercises of 18 Caribbean countries, directed by the USA, are taking place in the region. This intensive military training, that will last till April 7, covers various aspects of current warfare, ranging from land, maritime, jungle and air operations. The obvious questions are: why do Caribbean countries so urgently need such military training? Why must Uncle Sam direct their military exercises? Furthermore, in the first place, why do we allow this huge bellicose, bloody Trojan Horse to enter our countries, and against which "aggressive neighbors" are these belligerent manoeuvres directed? Why are they taking place now? These military manoeuvres surely concern Colombia, the "Plan Colombia", the FARC and the toppling of President Chavez! The USA is "ready to capture 50 FARC rebel leaders, if Colombia asks" for this military aid. And what is the "pretext"? The USA has indicted them already "on drug trafficking" charges. (Bogota (AFP) As we could read in all the big mass media, since years already President Chavez has already been "charged" with "drug, uranium and human trafficking". In fact, he supposedly has committed a galaxy of "crimes against humanity" already, ranging from "dictatorship" of a Hitler type to open Castro-Communist "tyranny". Again, in defense of Truth, the only "crime" of Chavez is Love, is to love his people, his country, is to tell them the Truth about Global Fascism, spearheaded by the USA. Yes, in the world of Bush, Love is Hate, Freedom is Slavery, Democracy is Terrorism. Thus, could it be that these military manoeuvres in the Caribbean concern the establishment of a new "united front", the coming together of the new "Friends of Venezuela"? In the near future, here in our hemisphere, will we also have to face murderous "pre-emptive strikes", that do not even necessitate any "pretext" or any divine or "democratic" permission from the Vatican or from the United Nations anymore? Currently we are already witnessing how the coming fascist world war is being launched by means of big lies, eternal myths and bare-faced hoaxes via the international mass media. Meanwhile, the US Navy is preparing an aircraft carrier strike group for "major training exercise", with four ships, a 60-plane air wing and 6,500 sailors, to send to the Caribbean and South American waters -- of Cuba and Venezuela -- for a major training exercise, it was announced Monday." Daily millions are being deceived mercilessly, are being controlled mentally and enslaved intellectually by the gigantic corporations of Rupert Murdoch, of Time-Warner and others, that carefully prepare "public opinion", that inculcate widespread hellish fear in the population, that familiarize the peaceful, reconciliatory, "democratic", Christian acceptance of genocidal terror, of the horrors of "struck and awe", of human torture, of Orwellian "full spectrum dominance", and at the same time, they produce sophisticated psychological subluminal mechanisms that lead to the wholehearted acceptance of an American "Fourth Empire" within this"New American Century". Precisely, the international mass media, the press within the "Fourth Empire", form the "Fourth Estate" (Edmund Burke and Thomas Carlyle), that claims to be the global guardian of truth and democracy and to be the eternal defender of public interests. In reality, the big international mass media simply present and disseminate the capitalist ideas of their corporate owners, as explained, for example, by many Marxists, or even in Noam Chomsky's "propaganda model". Many modern philosophers, like Juergen Habermas, totally missed the boat. They still claim that the international mass media function like a mediating "public sphere" between capitalist society and the corporate State. Precisely in the cases of disseminating hoaxes about the bombing of the "Twin Towers", about "Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda", about "democratic" elections in the USA, about President Bush himself, but also of spreading big lies about Venezuela, the Bolivarian Revolution and President Chavez, about his "dictatorship" and "tyranny" here, about his "drug", "human" and "uranium" trafficking here, all demonstrate the true deceitful nature of the huge international mass media, of the "freedom of speech", that form the spearhead of the information war, of the "war of ideas" of deliberate disinformation campaigns, of developing the future Orwellian Newspeak on a global scale. Hence, in conclusion more than ever it is valid what George Orwell had stated long ago: We may just add, that now in the epoch of world fascism, telling the truth is not just a revolutionary act, it is much more, it is emancipatory praxis.
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