
BBC: French demonstrations: 1, 2, 3 ... many!

forpressfound, Mercredi, Mars 29, 2006 - 05:24

Henk Ruyssenaars

European slavery: "The Polish workers were paid EUR 5 an hour instead of the standard EUR 25 an hour. They worked 12 hours a day and the wages for a portion of each shift were allegedly not included in the agency's bookkeeping. The rest was paid at the standard rate for a seaman.''

FPF/Europe - March 29th - 2006 - Around three million people demonstrated yesterday against the new inhuman labor laws in France: a figure too impressive to be mentioned by most and 'underreported' as always. With the further dilapidating BBC being as usual one of the worst examples in falsifying the facts. 'Their Master's Voice' reporting from Paris late last night described the - even by the French police estimated 'one-and-a-half million people' demonstrating in over 200 French cities - only as 'MANY'.

In text it later on was corrected to 'one million' - but the video report which was broadcasted globally and done by Clive Myrie in Paris - falsely showed 90% raw violence, 1 demonstrating but inarticulate young girl and of course a well dressed 'captain of industry' advocating de Villepin's low wage law. - BBC - Url.:

It's a known fact that in all similar cases the police figures - and those of the crooks which the demonstrations are aimed at - can be doubled. And even the through infiltration weakened so called 'unions' are forced to act different, while still behind the scenes trying to control the damage to their master's global plans: maximizing profits bymaking all people work longer for lower pay, forcing them by law to sell themselves to the cheapest bidder.*


And, as always, the facts and figures concerning the French people demonstrating against the labor laws and it's negative wage/work implications, have been and are falsified by many of the multinational's major information dispensers, formerly known as 'news' agencies. Reality in France is not only about the illogical fact that more work is created by more easy firing people, and than as is already seen around Europe, hiring people which are forced to work for low wages. It's about lowering the average wages for all workers in the production unit now named European Union, and making it for instance possible by law again for fifteen year olds to work night shifts in factories.

The BBC - (Broadcasting Blair's Crap) - was worst in it's propaganda broadcast at 22.00 hrs last night, and described via it's mouthpiece, the BBC's Master's Voice in Paris - the even by the French police estimated 'one-and-a-half million people' demonstrating in over 200 French cities - only as 'many'.


The 'many' of The Group's BBC, contradicted the information given by one of the main European PNAC-broadcasting companies RTL* and 'many' surprisingly was announced as: "In France today - and even in bad weather - around THREE million people took to the streets in two hundred cities to protest the new labor laws.'' - RTL - in Dutch - "Three million people" - Url.:

The CIA/Moon rag - [] - "Washington Times" in its usual deception: ''Chanting slogans and brandishing banners, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of mainly young people spilled into the streets of Paris and other cities, denouncing the new law that makes it easier to hire and fire young workers.'' - Url.:

Two weeks ago an example was given in PNAC colony The Netherlands what cheap labor in the European Union leads to and what the French demonstrate against: "At least EUR 8 million in tax and social premiums went unpaid but was owed to 200 Polish plumbers - [ ] - electricians, painters and carpenters who worked on refurbishing ships in Rotterdam.


The Polish workers were paid EUR 5 an hour instead of the standard EUR 25 an hour. They worked 12 hours a day and the wages for a portion of each shift were allegedly not included in the agency's bookkeeping. The rest was paid at the standard rate for a seaman.'' - [endquote]*

One of the few good articles published today is "France: Millions of workers and students strike against Gaullist government" - 29 March 2006 - An estimated 2 to 3 million striking workers and students demonstrated in cities and towns throughout France yesterday in opposition to the Gaullist government’s “First Job Contract

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