Franz J. T. Lee and Jutta Schmitt talking about Venezuela on Black Op Radiofranz, Mercredi, Mars 22, 2006 - 17:42
Franz J. T. Lee
Enjoy Franz J. T. Lee and Jutta Schmitt discussing the current explosive situation in Venezuela on Black Op Radio, Vancouver, Canada. After March 23, 2006, search the archives. GO TO: Folks, tune in on Internet to radio to listen to the following political analyses about Venezuela and the World.. Jutta is describing the economic, political and social developments in Venezuela since the recall referendum of August 2004, and shows how across 2005 the Bolivarian Revolution was deepening itself, and has generated astounding results, new ideas, actions and projects. She also highlights the interrelation of all these dynamic processes with Latin American and Caribbean integration. Parting from this, Franz places all these revolutionary endeavors in global perspective and in historical dimensions, and is explaining the fears of North American global fascism, why it wants to convert Venezuela into a "rogue" state. as part of the "axis of evil". He also explains why the "Empire" will fail, and why something new is being born in Latin America, a new mode of creation, on the road towards solidaric human emancipation. ARCHIVES: Latest Interviews, March 23, 2006, The Current Situation in Venezuela, the Bolivarian Revolution and the World Energy Crisis, by Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt, No. 263. Older Interviews: Venezuela: At the Eve of the Referendum, August 6, 2004 by Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt, No.184. Venezuela: After the Referendum, September 6, 2004 by Franz J. T. Lee & Jutta Schmitt, No.189.
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