In the Crosshairs of Preventive WarAnonyme, Mardi, Mars 21, 2006 - 15:25 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Sara Wood
March 2006 Update of Bush Pre-emptive War National Security Strategy Targets Iran: In the Crosshairs of Preventive War By Sara Wood - Michael, your film on the National Security Strategy of 2002, the document that served as the official written basis for the pre-emptive war policy of the White House, came out in May of 2004. What’s happened since then? Several things have happened worth paying attention to. The first is that we have continued to wage a war in Iraq that has turned parts of that country into the terrorist havens George Bush told us were there before the war but weren’t. Since the film came out, over a thousand coalition troops have died, and, according to conservative estimates, tens of thousands of Iraqis have been murdered, putting the country on the brink of civil war (or actually in one according to Iraqi former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi). Along side these awful events, none of the lies that the war was based on have been apologized for, from Bush’s assertion that the war’s purpose is to “uphold the integrity of the United Nations
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