
New England Anarchist Bookfair || April 21-22

Anonyme, Lundi, Mars 20, 2006 - 21:21

New England Anarchist Bookfair

Friday and Saturday || April 21-22, 2006

{please repost and forward and send everywhere}

March 20th Update

Friday and Saturday || April 21-22, 2006

1) Website

2) Get Involved

3) Childcare

4) Tables

5) Workshops

6) Schedule

7) Contact Info


Our Website is now online!

Check it out and be excited.


It's not too late to get involved with helping to make this the bookfair that you want it to be.

There is still lots to do--deciding on workshops, writing press releases, organizing for the event, setting up childcare, going flyering, and stuff that you are great at doing, but hasn't even be though of yet. Come to a planning meet or drop us a line.


Childcare will be available during the Bookfair. If you would like to use this service please drop an email just we know how many volunteers we’ll need.


We still have a few tables available.

To request a table, send an email with Table as the title to:

Tables are available on a sliding scale from $10-25. If you need to arrange a different pricing scale please let us know. Please include a short description of your group and the material you intent to distribute at the Bookfair.



Here’s our tentative list of workshops for Saturday (April 22).

Domestic Repression and Grand Juries
Anti-gentrification Organizing
Anarchist People of Color
Anarchism in the Workplace
Class War Feminism
Surviving In Non-Revolutionary Times
Resisting The BU Bio-Terror Lab
Collectively Run Businesses
Radical Words
Revolutionary Strategy

Larger summaries will be available shortly. This list reflects a work in progress, so the final schedule may have some slight changes.

To submit workshop proposals, send an email with Workshops as the title to:


Kickoff Night
Friday || April 21, 2006 || 7pm-11pm

-Mitchell Verter (editor of Dreams of Freedom) will talk about Mexican Anarchist Ricardo Flores Magon and contemporary Magonism
-Screening of “Living Room: Space and Place in Infoshop Culture

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Media Co-op Toronto

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(en Anglais)

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