Countdown: The Eye of the Hurricane moves towards Venezuela and Iranfranz, Samedi, Mars 18, 2006 - 21:34
Jutta Schmitt
By: Jutta Schmitt (Translated by Jesus Nery Barrios, VHeadline.com) Why are Venezuela and Iran currently in the spotlight of immediate North American aggression? As expected and after hardly two months of the beginning of a crucial year for the destiny of Venezuela and of the entire world, the customary campaign of calumnies against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has become a true bombing of lies, defamations and verbal aggressions, emanated from different entities and spokesmen of the North American State. Among the ideological ammunition shot from their vast arsenal of calumnies, we could witness the comparison of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias with Adolph Hitler, done by the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld; the accusation of looking for closer military relations with Iran and North Korea, voiced by the head of the intelligence services John Negroponte; the call to form a united front against Venezuela because she constitutes a danger for democracy on the continent, made by the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; the rejection by the American ambassador before the United Nations, John Bolton, of the idea that Venezuela possibly could become a member of the Security Council considering her actions in the General Assembly as havong being useless; and finally, the constant emission of "information" on person and drug trafficking, production and trafficking of uranium, violation of human rights, etcetera, ad infinitum. It seems that before the presidential elections next December - when Venezuelan people, without any doubt, will grant President Chavez a new term of office to lead the transformation process that the country has launched over the last seven years and that's still far from concluding itself - , the Bush clique and its internal allies, as always, have no other choice than destabilization and violence to try to seize the government and thus to be able to subjugate the country under its particular interests. That's because together with the hailstorm of bullets in "the diplo-mediatic" battle field, there is also a non-stop attack of severe destabilizing measures, that mainly comprise two battle fronts: one of ignorance and of disrepute of the institutions of the Venezuelan State; and the other of encouraging a secessionist movement in Zulia, the most important State in terms of oil and agricultural production in the Venezuelan national territory. As far as the first front is concerend, it is worth to remember, that the disrepute campaign is centered specifically in the National Assembly (and therefore in the new National Electoral Council that the former currently is nominating), in whose elections last December 4th the Venezuelan "opposition" had denied to participate, a political game with which it has launched its future strategy to follow in the coming presidential elections of 2006. Concerning the separation of the State of Zulia from Venezuela, a region that is situated next to Colombian territory and which is endowed with abundant oil deposits, of significance is, at what precise moment this strange project to call for a plebiscite is being launched. This proclamation of "autonomy" of the State of Zulia is being promoted by a rightist group in association with North American interests to divide the country. The magnitude of the rise of oil prices in case of an American military aggression against the Iranian nation, as it is being planned for the end of March or April this year, would be unimaginable and for the Bush clique it would be more than convenient to possess, in the short and medium ranges, a near and safe deposit of fuel, for example, in an "independent" State of Zulia in order to keep on feeding its voracious war machine. The factor that's forcing the Bush clique simultaneously to take care of Venezuela and Iran, is the imminent opening of the Iranian Oil Bourse, planned for March 20th this year, that will establish its own benchmark and that will make its oil, gas and petrochemical transactions in euros, and not in North American dollars. Aside from being a unique and original competition for the two existing Oil Bourses in the world, the NYMEX in New York and the IPE in London, respectively, both in the hands of a North American private company, the new oil stock market of Iran will end the hegemony of the petrodollar. Hence, eventually, the North American dollar will lose its "anchorage" to petroleum and therewith its privileged status as the fundamental currency for international reserves; of course, a process will set in which will bring devastating effects for the American economy, that is, for the most indebted in the world. This is the only and true weapon of mass destruction that Iran has, and therefore the only and true reason of the imminent and inexorable American military aggression against this nation. Be aware that, in this context, Venezuela by means of the establishment of commercial agreements by barter with 12 Latin American, Caribbean countries and Cuba, to deal its oil locally, has found a mechanism for direct interchange that avoids the use of the American currency and, in this way, prevents that the U.S.A. benefits from it every time an oil transaction is made. Already on the summit of the OPEC conducted in Caracas in September 2000, in a report titled "International Seminary on the future of Energy", the government of Chavez had recommended the OPEC countries to make their oil sales in the form of modern barter commerce and of bilateral economic interchanges, mainly with countries of the "Third World", thus to avoid, in its transactions, privileged currencies like the dollar and the euro as well. This economic and financial "heresy", that attempts against the principles of the established financial order, that till now benefits the U.S.A., is already enough reason for the Bush clique to force "regime change" in Venezuela. Derived from all this, seriously, we should note, that as from March 23th, 2006, only three days after the predicted opening of the Iranian Oil Bourse, the Federal Reserve of the U.S.A. will not publish anymore one of its monetary indicators, designated as "M3", that refers to the exact number of dollars in circulation worldwide. Special analysts in the subject suppose, that with this measurement they want to hide the impact that the appearance of a rival currency with an anchorage in oil will have, the "petro-euro", on the American dollar, and to avoid its sudden and resounding collapse. So it is not only oil itself, that is catapulting both Venezuela and Iran into the devastating eye of the American imperialistic-militaristic hurricane, but a set of factors, that threatens with the removing of the floor underneath the feet of the greatest known military power in the history of humanity since, after all, without money and much less without oil neither a wartank nor a warship nor a warplane can move. For that reason, sooner or later, the U.S.A. must attack, and (Originally especially written for and published in Spanish by http://www.adin-noticias.com.ar/jutta03.htm
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