
Call for the Canadian Revolutionary Congress

Eric Smith, Mercredi, Mars 8, 2006 - 11:15


Workers of Canada, unite under the banner of revolution! “Workers of all countries, unite!

In this country, there are almost 20 million of us with nothing more to hope for than have our labour exploited and the best of our lives given to the capitalists and their corporations. At best, we earn just enough to stay alive; at worst, we get so poor and over-indebted that some of us end up taking their own lives in despair.

The hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have come to live here are over-exploited, underpaid and disrespected. In a country where bourgeois wealth accumulates while poverty grows, thousands of refugees remain without status, without papers, and facing deportation.

Women workers from Newfoundland to Vancouver are among the most underpaid wage earners, working in the most insecure conditions even though they are often their family’s only support.

Over one million aboriginal people spread over the whole territory have been scorned for centuries, their rights as peoples denied in a country that boasts about being one of the most advanced in the world.

The unemployed, marginalized from an economic system that shows them no mercy, get to read in the papers every day about the scandals and corruption cooked up between capitalists and bourgeois politicians. Young proletarians are not even out of high school before they find themselves crushed in the infernal cycle of low-wage jobs, school and rent, and end up never graduating.

All of them carry the anger of proletarians against capitalism. They would like to change their lives, the society, the system… if it was possible. If only they’d realize the tremendous force they have by uniting around the emancipating project of communist revolution.

It is up to each of us to help unleash the power of the working class, the strength lying with all the oppressed and exploited of the world, including in Canada. It is up to us to breathe new life into the great call made by the Communist Manifesto. Because even today, it is still this document that best and most truly expresses the reality of capitalist exploitation and the need to put an end to it.

Comrades active in struggles today, from all strata of the proletariat, are striving for this. And this will be the goal of the Congress being organized next November under the initiative of the Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committees).

Prepare for the Canadian Revolutionary Congress!

Five years ago, a conference brought together activists, workers and revolutionary communists in Montréal to create the Revolutionary Communist Party (Organizing Committees) -- RCP(OC).

Much work has been accomplished since then. A program, based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat, was widely discussed and adopted by the members of the RCP(OC). The comrades waged political campaigns and different actions to win over activists in Québec and in other Canadian cities.

But this is far from sufficient. By this fall, when the Canadian Revolutionary Congress is held, we need to be hundreds and more from across the country to support the founding of the RCP. The Congress will be preceded by the publication of new documents analyzing social classes, bourgeois democracy and all other political issues that are of interest to the Canadian proletariat and sometimes a source of division among us. This political campaign will aim to organize debates with groups, committees, collectives, or comrades and individuals who wish to respond, exchange, and eventually unite at the Canadian Revolutionary Congress for the founding of the RCP.

We call upon activists, workers and proletarians of every condition, communists and revolutionaries to get together, discuss and debate with us and participate in creating a party the like of which we have not seen for decades: a revolutionary communist party.

A Party that is a weapon, not an extinguisher!

When we hear the word “Party

Website of the RCP(OC)
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