Quebec. Do you care about democracy?Anonyme, Mardi, Février 28, 2006 - 08:48
david campbell
Quebecers! Do you care about democracy In Canada. Or is the stealing of the voters' rights in Vancouver Kingsway by Stephen Harper and David Emerson, just some one else's problem? I think I'm a typical Canadian. I'm not a member of any political party. I did not work for any party in the last or any previous elections. I was not happy when Belinda Stronach crossed the house without facing her electorate. I heard all the cat calls from the conservatives and thought that was also unneccessary. When the conservatives ran this time, I looked hard at their policy to see if I could vote for them. What I saw about Harper I did not like. He did not seem to fit well with where I stand from a social program point of view. Still he is not the whole party right and I did like some of the items in the Stand Up for Canada doc. Democratic reform was one. The David Emerson issue and the Michael Fortier issue became for me the straw that broke the camel's back. I see the folks in Vancouver Kingsway being robbed of their voting rights. (It could have been me or you or any Canadian) I saw them being robbed by both parties. Robbed by a basically immoral power-hungry liberal and an equally power-hungry conservative Prime Minister. This undemocratic process of our politians has got to stop, so I took action as a Canadian citizen, and decided to start a petition. I started it for a couple of reasons. If you care about your democracy tell them so, tell them what you think is right and what you thing is wrong, sign a petition, write a letter, protest if necessary. Recall David Emerson: http://www.petitiononline.com/RDE/petition.html Tell PM Harper: http://www.petitiononline.com/PSH/petition.html
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