
a call to arms

Anonyme, Mercredi, Février 8, 2006 - 20:21

a call for the formation of a colonial guard to defend and protect those who no long have a voice in Washington

February 8, 2006

Hon Governor Richardson
Chairmen of the Democratic Governors Association

Dear Sir

Re: Volunteer regiments

As you know by Federal Law the National guards command authority can be taken from a governor by federalization. I feel that we need troops answerable to the people of each state and not the President and I feel that we need to be prepared for anything as long as the Republican Party has control of the house and senate and their political and religious agenda. I want it known I am not calling for civil war, I am calling on democratic governors to be prepared to enforce the constitution that all thirteen colonies signed when we became a nation. We must be prepared in case the Republican government goes too far in these brush wars they are engaging us in. I also call on the democratic governors to have their democratic house member to vote no on this upcoming budget and it cuts in vital programs. The reason I make these suggestion is that the Republican party which is under the control of the White House and present government can not be trusted and their agenda domestically and foreign are a danger to the Union and the people of the United States. These volunteers must be ready at a moments notice to defend and protect the Union we have fought and died for, for so long. Ladies and gentlemen of the association trust is earned by deeds and not words and the central government as of now can not be trusted.

Sincerely Yours

Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)

Dossier G20
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