COME ON, CPAC, BE OBJECTIVE!Anonyme, Vendredi, Janvier 20, 2006 - 21:17
Jorge Torrealba
CPAC USED TO BE INFORMATIVE AND OBJECTIVE. DURING THIS CAMPAIGN THEY ARE AS BAD AS THE CBC AND THE CTV, OR WORST. CPAC GIVES DAILY POLLS BASED ON A SAMPLE OR 1200. THEY INVITE GURUS, SPIN-DOCTORS AND FANATICS OF ALL PARTIES TO EXPLAIN WHAT WE JUST SAW AND HEARD. CORPORATE WISDOM SAYS THAT RETARDED CANADIANS NEED EXPERTS DRAWING LITTLE PICTURES. The polls at best are guesstimates having no scientific foundation, used daily by CPAC to help herding the cattle towards the results expected by the multinationals owners of the conservatives and the liberals. Seeing the platforms of Layton and of Duceppe, the pollsters on Monday will have to find very good excuses for a deviation of minus10%. Then and only then they will confess that the sample was totally insufficient to predict the “unexpected NDP phenomenon |
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