WHY THESE VERY DISHONEST REBUTTALS?Anonyme, Jeudi, Janvier 19, 2006 - 15:50
Joegw Torrealba
MR. MART Mr. Harper mentioned that Liberals appointed the Supreme Court and the Senate in the past 12 years, which is true. Rt. Hon. Martin is accusing him to have a hidden agenda and the courts may be a deterrent for Mr. Harper to become a dictator… Oh, boy, I am trembling! I don’t like Mr. Harper because I don’t believe his intentions of socializing his approach to government are sincere or doable in the conservative mentality. I am voting for the NDP but I don’t believe that Harper must be demonized the way our pathetic PM is doing, to hide the fact that his party has not had any form of platform since about 12 years. The incompetence, corruption, bribery and the lot of the Liberals are not the fault of Mr. Harper. Steve is responsible for his own bad policies but in no way he can be used to hide 12 years of Liberal ineptitude, corruption, bribery, entitlements, and the rest. I believe, however, that these accusations and counter accusations by the two reactionary parties is extremely enlightening. This charade of the ultra-right is making us see more clearly that both Duceppe and Layton are civilized, well breed and educated. The most I have heard from Duceppe and Layton is a superb use of irony. Layton said that if we do not elect Liberals, the Sun will rise every morning as usual, there will not be volcanoes exploding all over Canada and life will go on, better than when the Liberals were the Government. Layton’s story of the chicken in a winter election was superb! Duceppe style is humorous and ironic, and his use of the French language is outstanding. These two leaders respect the intelligence of Canadians and it is optimistic to hear the positive messages of these two leaders, which are fun, witty and full of hope for the future of Canadians. Face it Mr. Martin and resign right now. History may even respect you for that! I doubt that many true liberals, those who think with the elevated values of Pearson or Trudeau, will have the stomach to vote for the present mockery of liberalism. Do resign, get out of town and stop misrepresenting Mr. Harper. His own politics is enough not to vote for him. Martin’s overdoing it does not help a bit but is very insulting to Canadians that prefer to think by themselves and vote according to the facts, not manipulated by the well-oiled corporate gurus and fraudulent politicians. Give it up! … You sound bitter and hateful, degrading the High Office you occupy; your adversaries within social democracy in Canada sound encouraging and self-satisfied of a job well done. Jorge Torrealba,
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