No wonder that so many of us fear socialism, fear to be identified as socialists!franz, Lundi, Décembre 19, 2005 - 12:30 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J.T. Lee
In a world of massively perverted, international educational and socialization campaigns, of heavily militarized "full spectrum dominance," intended to topple the few remaining democratic governments left on planet Earth, do we still have any real opportunities, any chances of survival? In a global reality that since centuries was (and still is) paving its trail of conquest with the innocent blood of millions, and soon of billions more; in a world that officially nurtures and crowns bare-faced, ideological lies, that justifies moral and political assassination, tyranny, dictatorship and genocide, how could democratic Venezuela stop imperialist armed invasion, without losing her human dignity, her people's sovereignty, her natural resources and wealth, her dearly acquired revolutionary independence? In an imperialist world empire that mercilessly launches aggressive diatribal wars of the worst Stalinist and Hitler-like kinds against Venezuela by such capitalist mouthpieces like The New York Times, Miami Herald, El Nacional, El Universal, Globovision, Venevision, CNN or Fox News, in such a democratic, civilized, christian, global environment, what could we in Venezuela expect next year? As New Year gift, what will Father Christmas, St. Nicholas, Coca Cola, "Messiah" Bush and Big Brother bring us? At the end of 1959, they brought the social revolution, socialism and communism to Havana. 45 years later, at the University of Havana, Fidel had to tell the students the following cruel but most enlightening historical truth: " ... among the many errors that we have committed, that all of us have committed, the most important error was to believe that somebody knows anything about socialism, or that somebody knows how to construct socialism.
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