Communities in Ecuador distroy Mining Facilities.Anonyme, Mardi, Décembre 13, 2005 - 21:59 (Analyses)
Communities in Intag, Ecuador Take Direct Measures Against Canadian Ascendant's Mining Facilities. Saturday, 10 December 2005 NO ONE WAS HURT. The facilities consisted of a building used in what was supposed to be a center for agricultural experiments in Ascendants self-described model farm, but which communities saw more as the company's base in Intag and as a permanent source of aggravation. CONFISCATION OF ASCENDANT LAND DECOIN does not condone violence. Yet, it is essential to understand at least part of the context that generated this reaction. The events of today come after 18 months of aggravated assaults, intimidations, death threats, lawsuits, road blockades, violent aggressions against the Cotacachi Municipal government, and many other measures carried out against anyone opposing the Ascendant Copper Corporation's Junín mining project. It comes after a horrible division of communities in Intag that did not exist here before Ascendant's presence. On countless occasions, the communities warned the company not to go into their communities, and to respect their decision to live in peace and free of mining. But it was all to no avail. The patience of the communities came to an end when they kept seeing the mining company buying land all around their communities. This action triggered a land invasion by traffickers wanting to sell the newly acquired land to the company at outrageously high prices, and resulted in the company owning thousands of hectares of land in the Intag area. Some of this illegally begotten land allegedly includes hundreds of hectares belonging to the Junín community reserve, which they've managed as a part of their community ecological tourism project since 1998. In some other cases, land titles were given on land already having owners who are opposed to the mining project. Unfortunately, this land-purchasing program has not stopped. This news was relayed to us by eye-witnesses at the site. No one from DECOIN was present in Chalguayacu Bajo. DECOIN |
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