
Kyoto and Beyond

Anonyme, Samedi, Décembre 10, 2005 - 19:40

Jimmy D.

A strategic plan to cut emissions, improve air quality, and boost the economy.

Executive Summary

The Kyoto Protocol is the only existing international policy tool with clear targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is therefore the only effective way to immediately reduce our dependence upon fossil fuels and embark on a new development path with the cooperation of businesses, the government and society.

However, Canada is falling well behind on its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 6 per cent below 1990 levels. In fact, emissions have soared to more than 24 per cent above 1990 levels. As the world consumes about two barrels of oil for every new barrel it finds, Canada’s position becomes increasingly vulnerable with the mounting economic, ecological, social and health costs associated with oil dependency.

The Green Party strategy to meet and surpass Kyoto objectives ensures well-being and prosperity long into the future through energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. Green Party policies will change accounting methods to more accurately reflect the full costs of fossil fuel usage and reorient our economy toward more efficient energy solutions.

Ending federal subsidies to the oil and gas industry and introducing revenue-neutral tax changes to diversify away from fossil fuel dependency will lead to the development of innovative new technologies, higher productivity for our economy and a better quality of life for our communities.

Green Party MPs would work to:
· Shift taxes on gasoline, diesel and coal to earlier points in the production cycle to encourage competition among companies to lower operating costs while reducing emissions.
· Increase emission reduction targets for large industrial emitters to at least 55 Megatonnes above and beyond other policies and measures that reduce industrial emissions.
· Targets should be based on actual emissions, not emissions intensity per unit of production, and all data should be available for public scrutiny.
· Expand the proposed National Emissions Trading System so that it will ensure real emission reductions across sectors.
· Offset pollution penalties by lowering taxes on income and investment, thereby spurring job growth, efficiency and greater productivity.
· Work with provinces and municipalities to make a massive re-investment in Canada’s public transportation infrastructure.
· Create thousands of new “Green collar jobs

Dossier G20
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