Book Presentation: Franz J. T. Lee, Venezuela: De la Revolución Bolivariana a la Emancipación Humanafranz, Samedi, Décembre 10, 2005 - 19:20 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J. T. Lee
(Venezuela: From the Bolivarian Revolution to Human Emancipation) Press release by: IMMECA, 08-12-05 Last Thursday, 8th of December, at 4.00 o´ clock in the afternoon, the presentation of the book “Venezuela: De la Revolución Bolivariana a la Emancipación Humana The presentation was made by Humberto Martínez Caffiero, president of IMMECA, by the author himself, Franz J. T. Lee, and his wife, Jutta Schmitt, writer of the prologue and the documents which form the annex of the book. Humberto Martínez, in his introductory words, expressed his thanks to the entire team of the Mérida Printing House, for their common effort in making possible the publication of the book. He further stated, that in such an important and authentically revolutionary publication, the effort of all who have contributed to its realization, is literally being materialized. In this sense, Jutta Schmitt asked the public for a strong applause for the whole team of Mérida Printing House, and then proceeded to explain the antecedents that lead to the writing of the book, which were no other than the occurrences of the failed Coup d´Etat from April 11th to 13th, 2002, the year which gave birth to Franz Lee's electronic Venezuela News Bulletin, combating from the trenches of true information the disinformation campaign that has continuously been waged by the privately owned, national and international news media. Jutta Schmitt pointed out, that the book consists of three parts, the first one titled “revolutionary science
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