
Police arrest climate activist

Anonyme, Jeudi, Décembre 8, 2005 - 13:05

Yuill Herbert

At Cam's hearing on Tues, his lawyer didn't show up and bail was
denied - very unusual and downright strange. Yesterday a bunch of folks went to visit him and were given the run around, no one woudl say where he is being held. he's being transported to Quebec City for a hearing tomorrow.

> >
> > Media Alert: Youth Speak-out for the Right to Protest
> >
> > Palais de Justice (1 rue Notre-Dame East, Montreal)
> >
> > 10.00am, Tuesday 6th December
December 6, 2005: MONTREAL - A demonstration will be held Tuesday morning at 9.45am outside the Palais de Justice in support of arrested and imprisoned youth climate change organiser Cameron Stiff, and to stand up for the rights of youth worldwide to organise around climate change.

23 – year old Cameron, member of youth climate group
Energy Action and a leading organiser of the Climate Convergence Centre and Saturday's hugely successful Montreal Rally for the International Day of Action on
Climate Change, is currently being held in custody at
the downtown Montreal police station.

"Cameron is being targeted by police because he is a lead youth organiser on the biggest issue of our generation – climate change," stated Cameron's housemate and fellow campaigner Shaun Tinkler. "The charge is minor and stems from four years ago. This is a clear attempt to target and silence youth environment activists due to the Montreal climate talks."

Responding to a request by Montreal police to visit the station on Monday morning, Cameron was placed in a holding cell pending trial this morning at the Palais de Justice. There, he will face charges of Unlawful Assembly stemming from protests against the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) in 2001 in Quebec City. A warrant for his arrest was issued this past Friday.

"During high level negotiations in Montreal, a prominent environmental campaigner is jailed without explanation. Where is the Montreal Mayor throughout this disturbing and embarrassing police activity? Will the Chief of Police be held to account if the warrant turns out to be of dubious legality?" stated stated Pierre Lussier, co-organiser of the Montreal Climate Rally. "Police have refused to tell Cameron what charges are being laid against him. We are worried about police intimidation, abuse of police power, and lack of transparency."

Dossier G20
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