
Mediterranean Conference of Nations without State.

Anonyme, Samedi, Novembre 19, 2005 - 19:42


Dear Friends,

We like to inform you that we´ll celebrate the Mediterranean International Conference of Nations without State. It will takes place on November 24th, 25th and 26th in Barcelona (Catalonia), with the participation of representants of Cabilia, Corsica, Sardignia, Sicily, Països Catalans , Palestina, and also Occidental Sahara and Kurdistan, occupied by Mediterranean states.
This conference arrives in a key moment, because Sicily, Sardignia and Catalonia are debating their autonomy status. It´s an important political time in the Mediterranean, because the identity conscience is growing in the several nations without state.
Some of them have increased their ideological and public presence in the media and the streets.
There´s a process goin on that demands the recognition of the self-determination right and to hear the voice of the people in the international forums, because it´s difficult to bring stability to the region without accepting the basic rights of these nations. From this situation, the conference will try to open a debate “from the autonomy to the self-determination “ , based in the diferents ways each nations are walking to culminate it.

This Conference is taking place only some days before the Conference of state´s presidents (Europe + 10) , also in Barcelona (Catalonia), organised by the Catalan government. We haven´t the aspiration to do an alternative conference, but the Mediterranean International Conference of Nations without State will bring a different point of view about the Mediterranean political agenda.


Mediterranean Conference of Nations without State.

If you are not coming to the Conference, you can send a letter of support that will be read at the begining of the Conference.
If you want more information , you can look for it on the following pages: (Information of Mediterranean Conference)

You can also send the ad of your entity.


Mediterranean Conference of Nations without State – Barcelona (Catalonia).

Mediterranean Conference of Nations without State.
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