ALIVE WITH FIRE: Death to Cars and the Politics of Defeat!Anonyme, Mercredi, Novembre 9, 2005 - 02:19
Marcel Dilessi
We are near to the final battles – those on the streets and those in our minds. The situation reminds one of Weimar Germany or Spain in 1937, with brave idealists fighting against the whole world or its apathy and indifference. The right, the center, the Left, the far left, the moderate Imans – and the anarchists? – and the rest of the rich who control the world outside of France have no respect and no advice for the millions of French youth who are fighting since no one else does… So... the youth just fight – they know how to do that. They are tired of begging – they just want simple dignity and something to work for... like the indigenous of the Andes who ask: "Can we stop being slaves and just be poor?" "France is wounded. It does not recognize itself in these devastated streets and neighborhoods,
Les pauvres et les gens marginalisés de la France font que nous tous devrions faire – les émeutes. Puisque la politique est contrainte et corrompue dans le néant de créer Dieux de marché libre – Nous Devrions Tous Dire Non! – NON! – Et nous d
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