In such a terrorist reality, what could Venezuela expect from the USA?franz, Mardi, Novembre 1, 2005 - 21:40 (Analyses | Democratie)
Franz J.T. Lee
A recent excellent VHeadline publication merits some urgent comments. The reporters write: "Venezuela is an oil-rich nation, so there are no prizes for guessing why the US might invade the country -- just make up whatever excuse you like this time. Of course, the US government has denied any such plans, and even loony television evangelist (pardon the tautology), Pat Robertson, was forced to apologize for suggesting the US should just assassinate Chavez, thereby saving the cost of an invasion." Firstly, Venezuela is not facing a possible United States "Trojan" military invasion because of the courtship of her stunning beauties ... for example, of Irene Saez, Mari Pili Hernandez or another Latin American "Helen." It is also not the case of President Chavez, while addressing the United Nations lately, of secretly abducting Miss USA to Caracas. * Even less so is it the case of Prince Charming ... who by oath taken by his United Nations ... of returning Snow White by all Machiavellian-necessary means again to the White House. Hence, this is not a matter of mythological, personal love-sickness, of whims, caprices or idiocy ... it is not a situation where the United States, the United Nations and NATO out of democratic christian love would send a genocidal fleet to Latin America and elsewhere to recover “A face that could launch a thousand ships.
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