The Lords of the LiesAnonyme, Vendredi, Octobre 28, 2005 - 04:21
Henk Ruyssenaars
British Bill bids to block Internet access: a group fronted by MPs keeps trying to get more control over the Internet. None of the criminals concerned likes publicity, and the everywhere used sneaky excuse - to start with and further censorship - is, as was thought: 'to stop pornography.' THE LORDS OF THE LIES by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - Oct. 28th 2005 - In England a group, including members of Parliament, tries to get laws passed concerning the freedom of speech on internet. Action against pornography and the threatening use of so called 'hate speech' is abused to reach the goals, while people that kill the elderly become 'His Lordship'. The owners of the mainstream media do not want certain - for them negative - information to be known, which is one of the main reasons to curb Internet. Concerning resistance against the malignancy, there are several versions of the well known statement attributed to the German anti Nazi activist, Pastor Martin Niemöller. Below is what he most certainly would say today - like many others - about the ways a certain group of non-Palestinian Semites globally keeps trying to get still more control over the publishing possibilities, and now especially on Internet. In a rare moment of honesty, and far away from home, Cherie Blair, the wife of the detested British PM, according to UPI speaking in Malaysia in her professional capacity as a leading lawyer, hypocritically cautioned: ''What the case makes clear is that the government, even in times when there is a threat to national security, must act strictly in accordance with the law." Her comments come just one day after husband Tony Blair, who (as the front man for the group managing the UK) is devising a new raft of (FPF: totalitarian) anti-terror legislation, said he hopes the judiciary would now "wake up" to the threat of terrorism, specifically criticizing the law lords' ruling.'' - [to kick out the 'hate speech' law - enditem UPI] - Hardly ever it is mentioned that England A.D. 2005 does NOT even have a written Constitution, and Blair's 'mentors' make the SALAMI TACTIC Globally - and as always - the so called 'Salami tactic' is used in all fields where it's deemed necessary: by carefully snatching slice by slice, one finally has the whole sausage anyhow. Curbing the freedom of expression step by step is seen as necessary by this group, because on Internet there already is a lot of censorship, but it's still a rather free way of publishing some facts of life. And that also means this far rather unknown information and documentation concerning the neocon's nefarious and extremely malignant policies, showing that money is the root of much evil. So: here's what Pastor Niemöller probably would say today: FIRST THE NEOCONS CAME FOR... In England they first came for the Pornographers, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Pornographer. Then they came for the people not accepting the new ID-cards, and I didn't speak up because I used their ID-card. Then they came for the by themselves invented 'Terrorists', and I didn't speak up because I wasn't one of their 'Terrorists'. Then they came for the Muslims accused of 'al Qaida membership', and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim. Then they came for the 'anti-Semites', and I didn't speak up because I wasn't an 'anti-Semite'. THEN THEY CAME FOR THE PEOPLE PROTESTING THEIR FASCISM - AND BY THAT TIME NO ONE WAS LEFT TO SPEAK UP. BLOCK INTERNET ACCESS And this is how - according to the unreliable 'The Independent' - it's in the works today, with proposed laws to later on make all shut up: "Bill bids to block internet access to child porn" - MPs will today debate a neocon initiative to block access to child pornography over the internet." Among the many pro-Israel MPs which had their trips to Israel sponsored by the 'Louis Finkelstein Institute' - [http://tinyurl.com/dvvd9] - in recent years and now pushing this law, is Margaret Moran. This neocon 'mole' in the UK parliament: ''has tabled a bill which would require internet service providers (ISPs) to declare whether or not they are using technology to bar access to illegal material.'' THE NETHERLANDS: A GIANT GUINEA PIGSTY Whatever those malignant MP's will label "illegal material" in the nearby future one can imagine: the ID cards* which Blair's horrible group is trying to impose will become a 'driving license' on Internet too. And with absolutely deadly consequences for what's left of our 'freedom' as is shown in Holland where the 16,5 million inhabitants seem to be functioning as some giant Guinea pigsty. [ID-cards - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dkaou] And remember: The group of banking establishment people [http://tinyurl.com/2xz35] managing the present detoriation of civil rights [for other people] which in their Newspeak is called 'security & development', those creatures promised the EU's inhabitants 'a European Union without borders': where we all would be able to travel freely, not even needing a passport... NONE OF IT WAS TRUE: IT WAS ALL A PACK OF LIES! In Holland we now have 'Apartheid' and ID cards are compulsory: if I for instance put out the garbage in the street, 30 meters (100 ft) from my own house, in my own country, I can be fined fifty Euros if I can not show my ID card immediately to any cop (or similar) asking for it. One wonders where the 'pain limit' is for many of those poor human beings turned into brainless zombies? As an experienced international observer, I see the horror the banking establishment is inflicting on the people of colonialized Holland too. A small example: in one of the latest polls sixty-one percent of the people said to lay awake at night because of unpaid bills. With a government's ruling clan which according to a poll eighty-one percent of the Dutch detest. The feudal 'queendom' of The Netherlands may be #5 on the international list of richest countries in the world, but only the neocon top of 3% and their criminal collaborators enjoy that fact. Also because they never, like the rest of the Dutch population - after Sweden as #1 - pay the second highest taxes in the world. The fact that in such a rich small country ONE MILLION of the working class people artificially are 'dumbed down' by treacherous lying media, and kept vegetating like 'broilers' on a minimum income - with 'free food banks' sometimes lingering their needs - speaks for itself. The people which are kept uninformed in this 'Neocon-Matrix' are maltreated like lambs to the slaughter, and the state coffers they must keep refilling are robbed again and again. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/a4fbp SCHIPHOL AIRPORT JAIL FIRE: 11 BURNED TO DEATH The neocon Dutch government's 'investigations' of the people's complaints - with the government's own 'commissions' of course - with their own stooges - certainly never finds any fault. Like now again: several organizations and government authorities are demanding investigations into the cause of the tragic Schiphol Airport fire which just happened [http://tinyurl.com/9afb4] when at least eleven refugees and people waiting to be extradited apparently and horribly have been burned to death, locked up in a burning jail. The same malignant incompetence as in New Orleans, where prisoners have been abandoned to drown in their locked cells in the rising floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina, as described by 'Human Rights Watch': "Officers Deserted a Jail Building, Leaving Inmates Locked in Cells" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/e39y6 - Facts which should speak for themselves, but would not be known globally if Internet didn't exist in this relatively open form. 'RELIGIOUS HATRED BILL' THROWN OUT Blair's gang had another try to kill freedom of opinion and speech: this time the neocons had fabricated a 'Religious hatred Bill' which would make it impossible for anybody to ask: "Who Profits"? And than logically pointing a finger at the 'Banking Establishment' in London and Amsterdam for instance, or the fraudulent and fake 'Federal Reserve' in the US, this criminal 'money-publishing-house' with it's green ink and paper, printing 'fiat money' as much as they like, bleeding the US and other tax payers to death - [http://tinyurl.com/d3ntq] The banks which own and run the 'Fake Fed' advocate, start and finance - when needed by them - all big and small but profitable wars, revolutions and their inhuman plan for a 'New World Order'. [Fantastic insight: CIA-'Jackals' enforcing the New World Order - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dzn56] ''The peers warned that the 'Religious hatred Bill' would force journalists, artists and comedians to censor themselves to avoid offending members of minority religions.'' it was said. And I'm sure we can all understand that criminals do not want to be named anymore: just look at who the people are who are trying to do this. Who profits? In the slang language 'Yiddish' this disgusting behavior is called Chutzpah. According to one of the definitions of Chutzpah on the Web: [Yiddish] = unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/czgmt To give an example of very bad 'chutzpah' as an offensive disrespectful and impudent act: 'Phony Tony' Blair's buddy and collaborator Dr. Chai Patel - knowing himself very well what crimes he is guilty of - will like many other major crooks get the title of LORD, which he like many paid for.* This neocon butcher of the heavily tax paid social structure Blair and his group is slaughtering is: "one of the architects of the Government's policies on the elderly and an adviser on the Department of Health's older people's task force, he is believed to have given more than £5,000 to Labour." SICK JOKE OF THE YEAR ''Adviser on the Department of Health's older people's task force'' in Blair's a-social Britain? This must be the Sick Joke of the Year! - Official reports say that in England 22.000 (twenty-two-thousand) of the elderly died of cold last winter! And this is his hair-raising work which he will be rewarded for? This is why he maybe will be able to call himself 'Lord Patel'? He - as one of the 'architects of the Government's policies on the elderly' - is to blame for the fact that last winter in Blair's 'social England' 22.000 (TWENTY-TWO-THOUSAND) of the elderly died, because they could not afford to keep their house warm. They died of cold in this so called 'social and modern' England? May the blood and global shame eternally be on the heads of the responsible criminals and their ilk! This shows one of the cracks in their 'social' matrix, where civil rights and liberties only have gotten worse for the past decade with their regime: UK REPORT: ENGLAND'S 'DEMOCRACY' - MILLIONS OF PENSIONERS LIVE IN POVERTY. Millions of pensioners are malnourished, living below the poverty line and unable to afford to heat their homes in winter, according to new research. The National Pensioners Convention (NPC) said an estimated 2.2 million older people, the equivalent of one in five pensioners, currently lived below the poverty line, the same number as in 1997. At the same time it said about 1.5 million pensioners were malnourished or at serious risk of malnourishment, while 1.5 million also said their house was too cold in winter. THE AGE AUDIT, WHICH WAS BASED ON GOVERNMENT STATISTICS AND MAJOR PIECES OF RESEARCH INTO THE LIVES OF The group said around five million pensioners suffered from a long-term illness that restricted their daily life, while 7.2 million did not have access to free public transport. But at the same time it estimated that retired people actually saved the taxpayer £24 billion a year through providing unpaid social care and childcare, and through doing voluntary work. [end item] No wonder the neocons also want to censor Internet, and as expected first they'll use - even as a 'false flag' operation when needed - by themselves furnished porno [http://tinyurl.com/8yp8n] - to do so. Than all items - some of which they'll 'plant' themselves, and which are supposed to be critical of their behavior - will be declared 'hate speech', and it will be very difficult to save us from accusations by the covering up 'Religious Thought Police'. Bush and Blair should understand however: with those criminal non-Palestinian Semites as so called 'friends', one doesn't need enemies. BEWARE OF THE LORDS OF THE LIES! HENK RUYSSENAARS He who travels far will often see things 'Journey to the East' - Hermann Hesse Comments from others on the earlier published article - APFN - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9zg5y RELEVANT FOOTNOTES & LINKS: When Alexander Hamilton said in his day - "The masses are Asses"- it was a mere echo of a famous Yiddish folk saying "Der oylem iz a goylem." - Rabbi Meir Kahane - Url.: http://www.kahane.org/ ''Blair is standing on 22.000 corpses'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/72s3p The Independent - story Url.: http://tinyurl.com/92d9w UPI - Cherie Blair's comment, for use abroad - United Press International Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ax4nc UK - Contribute and pay for a Lordship - http://tinyurl.com/835sl 'Hate speech' must be forbidden? - For whom? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/bda6p UK-terror in Basra - Iraq - Url.: http://kurtnimmo.com/?p=32 New Bill in Congress Targets Teachers Who Dare to Question US Support for Israel - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2qeaa God told Bush to censor Internet this way? - Url.: http://www.religioustolerance.org/cyberpat.htm Did God tell Bush to create 'al Qaida'? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/acnjy Manufacturing anti-Semites - by Uri Avnery, in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, 28 September 2002 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ch8az Israeli El Al Jetliner Crash on Amsterdam Reveals Israel’s Weapons Plan - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yurk6 'Israel & Mossad run Schiphol airport', and other NL/Israel articles, not published in the Netherlands mainstream media - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/682du Former PM 'Wim Kok' and other Dutch govt.'s War criminals in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp PM van Agt on video (in Dutch) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/59yby Labour Friends of Israel is a Westminster based pro Israel lobby group working within the Labour Party. David Mencer, a former volunteer for the Israeli Defence Force is its current director. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/7qyh * Help all the troops of whatever nationality to come back from abroad! We need them badly at home in many countries - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE PAID FOR BY TAXES - to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ * The World Can't Wait! - Drive out the neocons and their 'Bush Regime' - Mobilize for November 2, 2005! - Url.: http://www.worldcantwait.org/ FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/djrep FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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