
How a Revolution - Take the havens

Anonyme, Lundi, Octobre 17, 2005 - 21:59

safe havnens

At best we will build an invincible solidarity with the South and the global poor. We will inspire youth and people in the US with the possibilities that we manifest (create). Once started, this plan should spiral toward victory picking up momentum and breaking the spells of hopelessness and inaction that are growing – at least in the US. (#6.)

Hey All,

> >Wabbit and Sally interviewed me today, and they did a great job. They're
> >really great interviewers. One of the questions they asked me was,

"What do you mean when you say 'bringing down civilization'?"

An answer came to me I am really happy with. It is this:
Bringing down civilization means depriving the rich of their ability to steal from the
poor and to destroy the planet." – Derrick Jensen

Derrick Jensen: “[End Game] originally was going to be an examination of the circumstances in which violence is an appropriate response to the ubiquitous violence upon which our culture is based. More specifically, it was going to be an examination of when what Franz Fanon called counterviolence is an appropriate response to state–or corporate–violence. I wanted to write that book because whenever I give talks… I mention violence–suggesting that there are some things, including a living planet (or more basically clean water and clean air, by which I mean our very lives), that are worth fighting for, dying for, and killing for when other means of stopping the abuses have been exhausted, and that there exist those people (often buttressed or seemingly constrained by organizations) who will not listen to reason, and who can be stopped no way other than through meeting their violence with your own… "Five whale riders could sAVE THE pLANET with a few People who Still Think" - (GATFUK)
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