
EMERGENCY RALLY for Hassan Almrei // Manif d'urgence pour Hassan Almrei

Anonyme, Vendredi, Août 26, 2005 - 22:18

Comité d'appui Hassan Almrei

Security certificate prisoner Hassan Almrei, four years in solitary confinement in a Toronto jail, is on a hunger strike. Day 65. He is dying. Rally in Montreal , Mon August 29th.

from: "Comité d'appui Hassan Almrei"

(francais plus bas. **svp diffuser. please circulate.**)

EMERGENCY RALLY to support Hassan Almrei on
Day 68 of his hunger strike in a Canadian prison

Monday, August 29, 12:00 noon
Riding office of Irwin Cotler, Federal Minister of Justice
4770 Kent Ave, Montreal (corner Victoria Ave., metro Plamondon)

By Monday, August 29, Hassan Almrei will be on Day 68 of his hunger strike
in a Canadian prison. Emaciated and weakened, he is at imminent risk of
permanent, severe impairment and, very possibly, of death.

Hassan Almrei has been imprisoned in solitary confinement without charge
since October 2001 under a security certificate. A refugee, he is under
threat of deportation to Syria where he risks torture. Hassan Almrei is
demanding minimally decent conditions of detention; his main demand is the
right to one hour a day of exercise outside of his cell. This is his 6th
hunger strike in 4 years. Government authorities have so far callously
refused to make the slightest concession.


Manifestation d'urgence pour appuyer Hassan Almrei
Au Jour 68 de sa grève de la faim dans une prison canadienne

Lundi 29 août à midi
Bureau de circonscription d'Irwin Cotler, ministre fédéral de la justice
4770 avenue Kent, Montréal (coin ave. Victoria, métro Plamondon)

Le 29 août, Hassan Almrei en sera au Jour 68 de sa grève de la faim dans une
prison canadienne. son état de santé est très précaire. Décharné et
affaibli, il court un risque imminent de subir des séquelles graves et
durables, voire de mourir.

Hassan Almrei, un réfugié, est en détention solitaire sans procès depuis
octobre 2001 en vertu d'un certificat de sécurité et il est menacé de
déportation vers la torture en Syrie, son pays d'origine. Il demande des
conditions de détention minimalement acceptables, principalement le droit de
sortir de sa cellule une heure par jour pour faire un peu d'exercice. Il s'
agit de son 6e grève de la faim en 4 ans. Les autorités gouvernementales
refusent obstinément de faire la moindre concession en vue de dénouer

Hassan Almrei emergency support committee
Comité de soutien d'urgence à Hassan Almrei

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++PHONE IN APPEAL+++++++++++++++

Wednesday August 24, 2005

Hassan Almrei is now on Day 63 of his hunger strike. He is
emaciated and weakened, but his spirit has not yet been
broken. The light flickers, but has not yet gone out.

Hassan Almrei, a refugee, has been imprisoned in solitary
confinement without trial in a Canadian prison for 4 years
under a security certificate, and is under threat of
deportation to Syria where he risks torture. He is
demanding minimally decent conditions of detention; his
main demand is the right to one hour a day of exercise
outside of his cell. The Ontario government (this is a
provincial prison) has callously refused to make the
tiniest concession.
In July, Alexandre Trudeau, Naomi Klein, Heather Mallick,
Avi Lewis and other well-known personalities came forward
to support Hassan Almrei's request for release on bail
(decision still pending). Questioned about his motives,
Trudeau stated "I presume he's innocent", adding that it is
unacceptable that a person be imprisoned in Canada without
being charged and without the right to a fair and public
trial. Three of Hassan Almrei's prison guards also
testified in his favour, stating that he is an
'honourable', 'trustworthy' and decent man. One guard even
stated that he would have no hesitation to have Hassan as a
neighbour, saying "I would trust him".
This is Hassan Almrei's 6th hunger strike in four years. On
previous hunger strikes he has asked for rights as basic as
heating in his icy cell in winter, but had to go to court
to obtain them. Almrei is waiting for a court date once
again, but it may come too late.

By way of comparison: in 1981, Bobby Sands and 9 other IRA
prisoners on hunger strike died after periods varying from
46 to 73 days, after sustaining severe organ damage (e.g.,
blindness). Several survivors of the strike remained
permanently handicapped. In 1996, many Kurdish hunger
strikers in Turkey died after periods of 65 to 69 days.

Please don't let this happen to Hassan Almrei. Please
don't let the light go out.

IMMEDIATELY to ask that Hassan Almrei's demands be met. A
massive, immediate flood of calls, emails and faxes are
needed in order to turn the tide.

Mr. Monte Kwinter
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
18th floor, 25 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, ON, M7A 1Y6
Phone: (416) 325-0408
Fax: (416) 325-6067

Here is a sample letter (feel free to copy)

August 24, 2005
Monte Kwinter
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Government of Ontario
Object: Hunger strike of Hassan Almrei

Dear sir,

I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to meet
the legitimate demands of Hassan Almrei, who has been
detained without trial in an Ontario prison for four years
and is now on a hunger strike to demand minimally decent
conditions of detention. His main demand is for one hour a
day of exercise outside of his cell.

As of today (Wednesday, August 24), Hassan Almrei is on Day
63 of his hunger strike. Hassan Almrei was already in poor
health before beginning his current hunger strike. He is at
imminent risk of permanent, severe impairment, and very
possibly, of death.

By way of comparison: in 1981, Bobby Sands and 9 other IRA
prisoners on hunger strike died after periods varying from
46 to 73 days after sustaining severe organ damage (e.g.,
blindness). Several survivors of the strike remained
permanently handicapped. In 1996, many Kurdish hunger
strikers in Turkey died after periods of 65 to 69 days.

Please intervene immediately to try to find a humane
solution to this situation. You have the power, and
therefore the moral responsibility, to resolve this crisis.

As Canadians, we pride ourselves on respecting basic human
rights. Please remain true to this fundamental value.
Should Hassan Almrei die or be permanently handicapped, it
would be to our lasting shame and dishonour as Canadians
and as members of the human family.


You are also invited to CC Anne McLellan and Joe Volpe, the
federal ministers responsible for security certificates,
and to add a demand for a fair and public trial for all 5
men currently detained on security certificates.
Anne McLellan, Phone: (613) 992-4524 Fax: (613) 943-0044 or
Joe Volpe Phone: (613) 992-6361 Fax: (613) 992-9791 or

CC correspondence to Campaign to Stop Secret Trials in
Canada at or fax (416) 651-9770 or by mail to
PO Box 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0,
or let us know that you have phoned Kwinter's office.
Hassan Almrei needs to know that he is not alone, that
there are people who care enough to take action. For more

Janet Cleveland, Ph.D.
Research associate
Chaire de recherche du Canada en droit international des
Université de Montréal

Mercredi le 24 août 2005

Hassan Almrei en est au Jour 63 de sa grève de la faim. Il
est décharné et affaibli, mais il tient toujours. La
lumière vacille, mais luit encore.

Hassan Almrei, un réfugié, est en détention solitaire sans
procès depuis quatre ans dans une prison canadienne en
Ontario en vertu d'un certificat de sécurité et il est
menacé de déportation vers la torture en Syrie, son pays
d'origine. Il demande des conditions de détention
minimalement acceptables, principalement le droit de sortir
de sa cellule une heure par jour pour faire un peu
d'exercice. Le gouvernement ontarien refuse obstinément de
faire la moindre concession en vue de dénouer situation.

En juillet, Alexandre Trudeau, Naomi Klein, Heather
Mallick, Avi Lewis et d'autres personnages publics se sont
portés cautions pour Hassan Almrei lors de sa demande de
libération sous cautionnement (toujours en délibéré).
Trudeau a déclaré « Je présume qu'il est innocent »,
ajoutant qu'il est inacceptable qu'un individu puisse être
détenu au Canada sans avoir le droit à un procès public
juste et équitable. Fait exceptionnel, trois gardiens de
prison sont venus témoigner en faveur d'Almrei, affirmant
qu'il s'agit d'un homme paisible, 'honorable' et 'digne de
confiance'. Un des gardiens a même dit qu'il n'aurait
aucune hésitation à avoir Almrei comme voisin, disant « Je
lui ferais confiance ».

Almrei en est à sa sixième grève de la faim en 4 ans, à
chaque fois pour demander des conditions simplement
décentes (par ex., du chauffage en hiver). À chaque fois,
le gouvernement ontarien l'oblige à aller en cour. Almrei
attend actuellement une date d'audience, mais cela viendra
peut-être trop tard. Gravement amaigri et en état de santé
précaire, Hassan Almrei ne peut plus tenir très longtemps.
Il faut agir vite.

Pour fins de comparaison, citons le cas de Bobby Sands et 9
autres prisonniers de l'IRA, morts au bout de 46 à 73 jours
de grève de la faim en 1981, après avoir subi des dommages
graves à des organes vitaux (par ex., la cécité). En 1996,
des grévistes de la faim kurdes sont morts au bout de 65 à
69 jours.

Ne laissez pas Hassan Almrei subir le même sort. Ne laissez
pas la lumière s'éteindre.

ministre ontarien responsable, pour demander qu'il
intervienne immédiatement pour faire droit aux demandes de
Hassan Almrei. Seul un effort concerté a des chances de

Monte Kwinter
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
18th floor, 25 Grosvenor Street
Toronto, ON, M7A 1Y6
Phone: (416) 325-0408
Fax: (416) 325-6067

Voici un modèle de lettre:

August 24, 2005
Mr. Monte Kwinter
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Government of Ontario
Object: Hunger strike of Hassan Almrei

Dear sir,

I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to meet
the legitimate demands of Hassan Almrei, who has been
detained without trial in an Ontario prison for four years
and is now on a hunger strike to demand minimally decent
conditions of detention. His main demand is for one hour a
day of exercise outside of his cell.

As of today (Wednesday, August 24), Hassan Almrei is on Day
63 of his hunger strike. Hassan Almrei was already in poor
health before beginning his current hunger strike. He is at
imminent risk of permanent, severe impairment, and very
possibly, of death.

By way of comparison: in 1981, Bobby Sands and 9 other IRA
prisoners on hunger strike died after periods varying from
46 to 73 days after sustaining severe organ damage (e.g.,
blindness). Several survivors of the strike remained
permanently handicapped. In 1996, many Kurdish hunger
strikers in Turkey died after periods of 65 to 69 days.

Please intervene immediately to try to find a humane
solution to this situation. You have the power, and
therefore the moral responsibility, to resolve this crisis.

As Canadians, we pride ourselves on respecting basic human
rights. Please remain true to this fundamental value.
Should Hassan Almrei die or be permanently handicapped, it
would be to our lasting shame and dishonour as Canadians
and as members of the human family.


Vous pouvez envoyer une copie conforme à Anne McLellan and
Joe Volpe, les ministres fédéraux responsables des
certificats de sécurité, en ajoutant une demande pour que
les cinq hommes actuellement détenus en vertu de
certificats de sécurité aient droit à un procès public
juste et équitable.
Anne McLellan, Phone: (613) 992-4524 Fax: (613) 943-0044 ou
Joe Volpe Phone: (613) 992-6361 Fax: (613) 992-9791 ou

SVP envoyez une copie conforme à Campaign to Stop Secret
Trials in Canada par courriel à ou par fax à
(416) 651-9770 ou par courrier à PO Box 73620, 509 St.
Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0.

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