
US 'Reverend' Robertson: Christian serial killer on video

Anonyme, Mercredi, Août 24, 2005 - 06:37

Henk Ruyssenaars

Robertson, host of the US 'Christian' Broadcasting Network's, The 700 Club, and founder of the 'Christian Coalition of America', called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. - What happened to the Bible's: 'Thou shalt not Kill' ?

by Henk Ruyssenaars

Prologue: US neocon's vice targets Venezuelan oil.

If this so called 'Reverend' Robertson's 'Lord' exists, and is watching this religious snake oil peddler, that 'Super Pharisee' will be in trouble.

How warped and lobotomized some of those fabulating Pharisees are, is perfectly shown by this "Frankenstein of the Faith", who mixes his 'christian mission' with for the US neocons profitable mass murder:

'Christian Minister' In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President':

Click here to view the crazy quote - Quick Time video:


And George Bush, when repeating idiotic verbal garbage like the following, means definitely more of a serial murder's threat than a promise, as he blasphemes: "I believe God has called us into action. Our country has got a responsibility, we are a great nation, we are a wealthy nation, we have a responsibility to help a neighbour in need, a brother and sister in crisis." - Url.:

In more than fourty years, globally working as an independent foreign correspondent, I have seen a hell of a lot ''brothers and sisters in crisis", but I've never seen nor visited a country where the US 'ruled', and where the local population because of the 'US Aid', had a better income, health care, education, public transport etc.

On the contrary: the US with it's IMF, World Bank and other criminal organizations - - gives 'Foreign Aids' and is lethal; killing any democracy. I've seen, researched and protested their inhuman behavior for decades. It has absolutely nothing in common with any 'christian principles'.

2/3 of the US believes...

According to a neocon CBS/NY Times poll, in November of 2004, approximately 2 thirds of the 250 million Americans believe in God. They say they believe in this so called 'christian' religion as preached by pompous and pretentious religious ranters like Robertson, and as preached and practiced in the United States. A strange form of US made religion which - contrary to the Bible's 'Thou shalt not kill' - allows human beings to kill other human beings: to be punished to death by injections with poison, for instance.

Or they are killed tied into electric chairs or gassed. It apparently has the blessing of American 'church leaders', whom we have not heard, and don't hear, protesting war, genocide or other killings of human beings, what they call 'God's creatures', elsewhere.

'Operation Nortwoods' as evidence vs the US

Political opponents are mostly - and more than often - 'suicided' nowadays: it saves fabricating 'evidence' and faked cases in the totally corrupted judicial system with it's neocon Kangaroo courts. They even kill their own to advance their plans - Url.:

Especially colored people in the US have for decades been the victim of judicial abuses by the FBI and the Department of Justice Criminal Division in 'Operation Fruehmenschen' - which targeted thousands of African-American ('black') elected officials for judicial frame-up and worse. - [Url.:]

Whith all those serial killings and other scandals daily unfolding in front of their eyes, the christian hypocrites turn their glassey eyes towards Heaven, not willing to understand nor see that at present the world is further ravaged by one of those leading 'Christians', the president of the United States George Bush and his ilk. A psychopath who as a good 'Brother in Christ' committed at least 152 executions during the time he was in office as governor of Texas.

Now Bush kills them by the hundred thousands, and those massacres the christians allow, advocate and forget to mention too. - [Bush kills - Url.:]

Christians - I've often thought - ought to be glad that the Bible has this fable about how Jesus Christ died on a cross, and didn't drown in the Sea of Galilee - [ ] - They're lucky they are told to believe that, because otherwise they'd all have JC above their doors in an aquarium.

But, in their faked 'Christian Crusade' for total control of energy and other natural resources, they keep killing in the name of their Lord... and among many - are busy trying to crucify president Chavez of Venezuela on the cross of their propaganda channels. Hugo Chavez is a human president who is becoming the best ever happening the last decades to Latin America.

The neocons want the oil and revenues in Venezuela, which now is using the national income to advance Chavez's Bolivarian Revolution: for the benefit of the people.

Up to now President Hugo Chavez is a very worthy follower of children's doctor Salvador Allende in Chile, a great man who on 11 September 1973 (our 911!) was 'suicided' by Kissinger and his neocon US multinationals, when they put US Pimp Pinochet as their dictator on his throne. Standing on the tortured corpses of the US's victims.

Those mad murderers must be blamed and legally punished for the fact that the word 'Liberation' now has lost it's meaning, and has been turned into the nefarious neocon's 'Newspeak' phrase for 'capital punishment'.To them, 'liberating' means to liberate a country of it's wealth, and liberate the population of it's future.

The only comfort at present for us others is, that íf they believe,
they'll certainly understand why they must rot in Hell.

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

More - objective - news, you'll find in venezuela at - Url.:

* Among many other articles: 'Ambassador: Robertson's call to murder President Hugo Chavez is a call to terrorism' - Url.:

*'The war in Iraq is illegal' - BBC video & text - interview United Nation's Secretary General Kofi Annan - Url.:

* MSNBC Poll: Ninety-four (94) percent believes that George Bush and the neocon media misled the nation to go to war with Iraq - Url.:

*Corporate News Media: Incompetent, Criminally Negligent or Complicit? - Url.:

* Brainwashed? Take the free 'Gullibility Factor' test to find out if you're really a mind slave or not - Url.:

*Saturday, September 24 - 2005 - Massive March, Impeachment Rally & Anti-war Fair, Gather 11:00AM at the Washington Monument - Info - Url.:

FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:


US: Christian Minister' In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President

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