Cindy Sheehan Leaves Protest--Protest Leaves Bush Ranch RoadAnonyme, Vendredi, Août 19, 2005 - 16:05 (Analyses | Guerre / War)
Clayton Hallmark
The truth is, Cindy Sheehan's protest never got near the Bush ranch house. It was 2.8 mi away -- not at the gates as some media are saying -- and today it is moving. The new Camp Casey will be 4.4 mi away and in an out-of-the-way location. Imagine if all protest was banned within 3 or 4 miles of the White House and banned entirely on Pennsylvania Ave. Now you see what she is up against -- that and a neighbor firing shots and one Bush supporter mowing down hundreds of crosses, an act of incredible blasphemy against Christianity from the faction that is conducting a war on Islam. http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/128060/index.php Cindy Sheehan has not been protesting at Bush's ranch, and the media have perpetrated a myth that she has. She has not, because the local police -- on orders from the federal police, no doubt -- won't let her. Bush's privately owned Texas White House (that name somehow rankles) is more sacrosanct than the one in DC. The protest has great significances I will point out, but nearness to Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch is not one of them. Directions from New Camp Casey (3218 Canaan Church Rd.) to Mill Rd. (Bush ranch driveway): 1. Head northwest from Canaan Church Rd - go 0.8 mi TOTAL: 4.4 miles Directions from original Camp Casey (5444 Prairie Chapel Rd.) to Mill Rd. (Bush ranch driveway): 1. Head west on Prairie Chapel Rd 2.0 mi. TOTAL: 2.8 mi OLD AND NEW CAMP CASEY -- Protestors That Got Closer The old Camp Casey was on the road from Bush's to Crawford, Prairie Chapel Rd. In fact, Bush's motorcade passed right by Cindy Sheehan and the protestors. The new one on Canaan Church Rd. is not on any route Bush would use and actually is FARTHER away, despite previously published reports. Only one protest, as far as I know, ever got close to even Bush driveway. It was in October 2002 when a caravan of protestors from the National Coalition for Jobs and Income Support went to Bush's private road, Rainey Rd. (which runs off of Prairie Chapel Rd.). The police stopped the cars near Rainey Rd., but some of the people walked to within 30 yards of the ranch entrance. That's about 165 times closer than the old Camp Casey and 260 times closer than the new Camp Casey! PROTESTS IN CRAWFORD ARE EVEN CONSIDERED CLOSE Now, the news media are so lazy that they are willing to accept as "close" even protests in the nearby town of Crawford -- 8 miles away -- which they can cover with the relative comfort of the limited amenities the small town offers. http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/128060/index.php Eight miles away is not near Bush, nor is three or four miles, anymore than if one is in Washington, DC. http://dc.indymedia.org/newswire/display/128060/index.php BUSH IS AFRAID, AND THAT IS THE PROBLEM The reason Crawford area rancher Larry Mattlage is getting tired of protestors probably has something to do that the police always stop them near his house, that is, near the orginal Camp Casey. There is one thing about the original location: Bush passes it every time he goes to Crawford to schmooze with the locals or pimp bucks from Republicorruption donors, or to go on to the TSTC airport at Waco to board Air Force One. Every time he passes the Mattlage place, the president now will remember Cindy Sheehan and her protest. Why is President Bush so afraid of the American people that he needs a 3-mile zone? DIRECTIONS TO THE NEW CAMP CASEY The new Camp Casey is on property owned by Marvin Mattlage on Canaan Church Rd. (County Road 452-B), just north of FM (farm-to-market road) 185, west of Crawford. Here's how to get there from Crawford: 1: Start out going SOUTHWEST on 5TH ST / FM 185 toward TX-317 / LONE STAR PKWY / AVENUE G. 2: Continue to follow FM 185 for about 7.6 miles. FM 185 “becomes
Cindy Sheehan didn't get near George Bush's ranch. Camp Casey is moving farther away today, and off the main road to the ranch, but it's sure she got under Bush's skin.
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