
The Internationalist Workers’Group

Anonyme, Mardi, Juin 28, 2005 - 08:48

Steve Tremblay

The International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party was founded by the heirs of the Italian Left who tried to fight the political degeneration of the Russian Revolution and the Comintern in the 1920’s.

The formation of the Internationalist Workers’Group (IWG) as an Organizing Committee of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP) in the USA and Canada is a response to crying need for a true internationalist communist presence in these two major countries.

Internationalist Notes is a publication of the Internationalist Workers’Group.

Here, briefly laid out, are the fundamental positions defended by the IBRP:

1. We aim to become part of the future world working class party which will guide the class struggle towards the establishment of a stateless, classless, moneyless society without exploitation, national frontiers or standing armies and in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all (Marx): Communism.

2. Such a society will need a revolutionary state for its introduction. This state will be run by workers’councils, consisting of instantly recallable delegates form every section of the working class. Their rule is called the dictatorship of the proletariat because it cannot exist without the forcible over-throw and keeping down of the capitalist class worldwide.

3. The first stage in this is the political organization of the class-conscious workers and their eventual union into an international political party for the promotion of world revolution.

4. The Russian October Revolution of 1917 remains a brilliant inspiration for us. It showed that workers could overthrow the capitalist class. Only the isolation and decimation of the Russian working class destroyed their revolutionary vision of 1917. What was set up in Russia in the 1920’s and after was not communism but centrally planned state capitalism. There have as yet been no communist societies anywhere in the world.

5. The International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party was founded by the heirs of the Italian Left who tried to fight the political degeneration of the Russian Revolution and the Comintern in the 1920’s. We are continuing the task that the Russian Revolution promised but failed to achieve - the freeing of the workers of the world and the establishment of communism. Join us!

Socialism or Barbarism , that’s what its all about. Which side are you on?

E-mail: or

The IBRP website

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