
UGSOA and The Three Stooges - Caleb Gray-Burriss - Ulysses Hampton and Calvin Jackson attend UGSOA 2005 Constitutional Basement

Anonyme, Jeudi, Juin 2, 2005 - 17:29


2005 UGSOA Constitutional Convention

Thanks to all who attended the 2005 UGSOA International Union Convention. It was a great success.

Special thanks go out to our guests Caleb Gray-Burriss and Ulysses Hampton from the National Association of Special Police and Security Officers (NASPSO) union based out of Washington DC and to Calvin Jackson of the Independent Security Police Union out of Chicago, Illinois. It was a pleasure to coordinate efforts with other unions across the country.


This Should READ:

UGSOA and The Three Stooges - Caleb Gray-Burriss - Ulysses Hampton and Calvin Jackson attend UGSOA 2005 Constitutional Basement Convention.

Special thanks go out to our guests Caleb Gray-Burriss and Ulysses Hampton from the National Association of Special Police and Security Officers (NASPSO) union based out of Washington DC (Less then 100 dues paying members)

For those who don't know Caleb Gray-Burriss he is PRESENTLY the self proclaimed Executive Director who is Facing Trial with the NLRB in Washington D.C and has been reported to THE DEPT OF LABOR for illegally accepting $33,484.93 Dollars in DUES MONEY from Security Professionals at Several Startech Locations even though NASPSO did NOT Represent the Majority of these Officers.

NASPSO UNION is also charged with restraining and coercing employees in the exercise of the rights Guaranteed in Section 7 of the Act and attempting to cause and causing an employer to discriminate against its employees as well as receiving unlawful assistance and support from an employer. ( Case 5-CA-32116 ).Caleb Gray-Burriss trial date is set for Aug 2005.

For those who don't know Ulysses Hampton he was a former union president who was removed from office after his local was dismantled for inappropriate use of funds. He to has been recently reported to the Dept of Labor for many questionable spending irregularities including cell phones for family members and other questionable spending irregularities.

As for Calvin Jackson of the Independent Security Police Union out of Chicago, Illinois. This Union No Longer Exists and Has NO Members! He is self proclaimed General Manager - and is presently ACTING AS A UNION-BUSTER filing petitions against other unions to STOP THEIR DUES ! CALVIN GET A REAL JOB!

Calvin Jackson was Fired by the SEIU and most recently fired from his last union organizing position for alleged CRACK-DRUG and ALCOHOL use.


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