Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005Anonyme, Lundi, Avril 25, 2005 - 18:28
Mary La Rosa
It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live free. For Full Links: Other Israel Bulletin Board: http://www.geocities.com/toi_billboard/vanunu_poem.htm Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005 Just before daybreak I am with my mother's people In Dreamtime Stuck in between the Dreamtime and the reality las vegas in the gaza This surreal landscape of a holy land Other prophets and entertainers have cried out from this wilderness: born again zealots comics crooners And because telling the truth Tis of thee my people sing! Mary La Rosa, April 13 2005 ********** Israel charges that the nineteen year old "memories" of a technician under the influence of torture is more of a threat, than its present government's refusal to commit to anti nuclear proliferation. While still so trapped, Mordechai continues to practice being free while exercising his rights as a free man the best he can. For further information please contact: http://www.nonviolence.org/vanunu/ Send a message of support: Mordechai Vanunu
It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live f
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