

Anonyme, Mardi, Avril 12, 2005 - 12:33


a call to action from the CATAPULT! collective
Thursday, 14 April, 2005
6:30 pm meet at the war memorial (Elgin & Sparks)
march to the Congress Centre to shut down the war machine
bring noise makers, banners, flags, drums, anti-fascist friends and family!

No profiteering from war and occupation.
No investment in war profiteers.
No subsidies to war profiteers.

a call to action from the CATAPULT! collective
Thursday, 14 April, 2005
6:30 pm meet at the war memorial (Elgin & Sparks)
march to the Congress Centre to shut down the war machine
bring noise makers, banners, flags, drums, anti-fascist friends and family!

War-profiteers are meeting April 14th & 15th at the Ottawa Congress Centre for Canada's annual National Security Technology Showcase ( Ottawa’s CATAPULT! collective calls on all people of conscience to join in a demonstration against this showcase celebration of war, exploitation and destruction.

This manifestation continues the campaign against war-profiteering initiated by CATAPULT!, in concert with Block the Empire (Montreal) and the June 30th Coalition (Toronto). This campaign calls for an end to the offensive and oppressive relationship that has developed between governments and corporations who produce technologies of war. Politically, this relationship is extremely dangerous, but it also signals a new network of power and control that sees profit as an ultimate measure of success. For the war-makers and the governments who create and secure their investments, human lives, healthy communities, and the environment can be sacrificed in the pursuit of ever-greater profits.

On Thursday, 17 March, CATAPULT! organized a demonstration against one of Canada’s most insidious war-profiteers – SNC-Lavalin. Demonstrators took to the streets to denounce SNC’s profit-driven production of munitions for the U.S. militaries occupation of Iraq.

On Saturday, 19 March, CATAPULT! joined many other organizations in Ottawa for the international day of solidarity with Iraq. CATAPULT! members scaled the facade of SNC’s Ottawa office to call attention to their exploitive practices, including the production of munitions, the degradation of the environment, and their destructive mining and biotech projects around the world.

SNC-Lavalin is just one of the many war-profiteers who will be showcasing their “security and defence technology

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