
Oil War Jingles

Anonyme, Mardi, Avril 12, 2005 - 08:49

Signalman Second Class Jones


South to the Cape of Good Hope

We should lift the UN
From its New York playpen
Send it south, to the Cape of Good Hope

Stop bottle-feeding it old US dollars
Get it away from suspicious dog collars.
Send it south, to the Cape of Good Hope.


We all sent flowers

To Susie from Oklahoma

From our hearts
we all sent flowers
for those you lost
in your falling towers

But for sixty years
where there were bowers
your bombs have brought tears
in bloody showers.

Their thunder somehow
seemed to drown
children, from Cologne to Baghdad,
sobbing, as their worlds fell down.

Susie, my lostlove,
these are real tears, these.
Stop it, will youall,


The Gift of Odd

Between Canada and Mexico
there's a growing moral hole
where the citizens of Texaco
are sucking on the dole.

It's exactly matched by the hole in the sky
that has gone just a little bit dim.
But the suckers never, ever ask why
as they polish their SUVs' trim.

It's the whim of an old stealth bomber, they say
who lives very high in the sky,
a god called Odd, from Even,
with a limitless underground pie.

With thanks to John Dique, for the notion of "Odd from Even."

Signalman Second Class Jones. Australia Copyleft

Three short jingles

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