
Canada Privatization Plan?

Anonyme, Jeudi, Mars 10, 2005 - 23:07

Dylan Penner, ACTivist Magazine

Business leaders in Canada call for the Canada Pension Plan to push forward P3's; CPP already investing in war.

A January 31, 2005 National Post/COMPAS poll found that "business leaders" in Canada strongly agree that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) "has an obligation to tell Canadians how government could make it easier for their pension savings to be invested profitably within the country, for example by creating more P3’s."
Despite the already controversial investments in war, occupation, climate change and genetically modified organisms, the "business leaders" surveyed strongly agreed that the "CPP’s obligation to make money for future pensions means that CPP has every right to invest anywhere it expects a profit." Apparently, even if such investments contribute to war, human rights abuses or rising
due to climate change.

While the implications of this poll for the CPP are unclear, the intentions certainly are. The National Post Poll used what was an "essentially hand-picked panel" as the report itself notes on page 8. What this poll demonstrates is the increasing pressure on the CPP from the business community to ensure the taxes of Canadians go to profit over people and the nature.

The Canada Pension Plan is investing in 15 of the world's top 20 arms manufacturers. The CPP is subsidizing biopiracy
and terminator
 through Monsanto. The CPP is "investing" in Exxon / Imperial Oil, the company that has done the most worldwide to try to prevent action on climate change. The CPP is funding SNC
, based in Quebec, which recently won a contract to make hundreds of millions of bullets for the US occupying army in Iraq. The CPP is contributing to 3 companies of Coca
(2 US-based, 1 Australian), which is implicated in the torture and murder of Colombian unionists.

The CPP is also funding Lockheed-Martin (no relation to Paul Martin... we think). Lockheed-Martin is the Pentagon's top military contractor and is involved in such projects as Star Wars Missile "Defence" and the 2006 Canadian Census. Halliburton is also on the list of CPP investments. Yet all of this is apparently not enough for the National Post's "hand-picked panel".

According to the National Post poll, "Panelists, in fact, strongly support the Government enabling more domestic investment opportunities like P3’s... 71% of respondents say the decision of the CPP investment Board to invest abroad means the federal Government should “make possible more opportunities for CPP investments by increasing the number of P3s.

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