

Anonyme, Vendredi, Février 25, 2005 - 10:20

Melanie Riggall

Join thousands across the world to remember the victims of terror, and reflect on democratic responses to the use of violence for political ends.

Meet on March 11
Make a Difference

On March 11 2004 ten bombs exploded on four commuter trains in Madrid, killing 191 and injuring thousands. In the days that followed the world was inspired by the people of Spain, as millions took to the streets, refusing to be silenced by terror.

A year on, it is not just the people of Spain who are gathering.

Thousands across the world, from the Ivory Coast to Ireland, India to Iran, are Meeting on March 11.

Join them!

Take time out on March 11,
Sit down with friends, colleagues, family.
Eat lunch, and while you do,
Remember all victims of terrorism
But don't just remember, reflect on what can be done.

After your meeting, make your thoughts count by taking a few minutes to share your ideas and conclusions, with us and the rest of the world.
That way we can let the political leaders know what the people think.
Find out how at

You can also make a difference by sending this message on to your friends and colleagues.

safe-democracy meetings website

Dossier G20
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Centre des médias Alternatifs Toronto

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