
Canadian Police Receive George Orwell Medal for "peacekeeping" in Haiti

Anonyme, Samedi, Février 19, 2005 - 10:32

The medal symbolizes the Canadian police contribution to MINUSTAH. The mandate of MINUSTAH is to assist the transitional Haitian government in establishing a secure and stable environment, restoring law and order, and reforming the Haitian National Police (HNP).


February 18, 2005, Ottawa -- On Tuesday, February 22, 2005, the largest contingent ever of Canadian police officers contributing to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) will receive a United Nations Peacekeeping Medal. Commissioner Zaccardelli of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), along with Mr. Normand Proulx, Director General, S û reté du Québec (SQ), Mr. Michel Sarrazin, Director, Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal (SPVM) and, Mr. Daniel Langlais, Director, Service de Police de la Ville de Québec (SPVQ), will attend the Canadian Police Contingent Medal Parade in Haiti. "Canada is an acknowledged leader in peacekeeping. Many nations around the world recognize and hold the Canadian way of policing in high esteem" says Commissioner Zaccardelli.

The medal symbolizes the Canadian police contribution to MINUSTAH. The mandate of MINUSTAH is to assist the transitional Haitian government in establishing a secure and stable environment, restoring law and order, and reforming the Haitian National Police (HNP).

During his speech to medal recipients, Commissioner Zaccardelli will underscore that a key factor to the success of this mission has been the strong partnership between the Canadian police forces on the ground in Haiti. The police forces include: RCMP, Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, the S û reté du Québec, Service de Police de la Ville de Québec, Service de Protection des Citoyens de Laval, Service de Police de la Ville de Boisbriand, Service de Police de la Ville de Blainville, Service de Police de la Ville de Ste-Thérése, and Service de Police de la Ville de St-Jérôme.

As well as acknowledging the important work being done in Haiti by Canadian policing partners, Commissioner Zaccardelli will also praise the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) and Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada. (PSEPC) for their commitment and contributions to international civilian police peacekeeping through the Canadian Police Agreement (CPA). "Without the Government of Canada's unwavering support, missions simply wouldn't get off the ground," says Commissioner Zaccardelli.

The RCMP has been managing and coordinating Canadian peacekeeping and peace support missions on behalf of the Government of Canada since 1989. Since then, more than 1500 Canadian police officers have served in as many as 25 missions around the world. One hundred and forty Canadian police officers are currently serving in peacekeeping missions in Bosnia, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Ivory Coast and Haiti.

For more information on the 140 Canadian police officers serving on peacekeeping mission overseas, please visit:

To view a picture of the U.N. Peacekeeping Medal received by the Canadian Police Officers serving with MINUSTAH, please visit:

If you would like to cover this event, please contact U.N. Media Relations Officer, Cst. Dan Mosaluk at:

* Telephone Number : 011-509-244-2050 (ext: 6154)
*, or

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