Secret US nuclear weapons: targets on bases in EuropeAnonyme, Samedi, Février 12, 2005 - 12:53
Foreign Press Foundation
Nuclear bombs in Canada at CFB Comox Lazo, British Columbia ? by Henk Ruyssenaars Amsterdam - Feb. 12th 2005 - The French news agency 'Agence France Presse' yesterday published an underreported study by the Natural Resources Defense Council.* Based mainly on declassified official documents, the study proofs that nuclear warheads already have been and will further be transferred to US non-nuclear allies. Contrary again to international conventions. The 'non-proliferation agreements' also have been signed and ratified by the US. The US is the only country having a part of it's nuclear weaponry stationed abroad. Israel (Dimona etc.) hasn't signed anything in that field and was never punished for the breach of at least seventy United Nation's resolutions. “If China deployed nuclear bombs in North Korea, equipped North Korean aircraft with mechanical and electronic devices to deliver the weapons, and trained North Korean pilots to draw up nuclear strike plans, there would be hell to pay, and rightly so,
North Korean Leader: 'Rather an A-bomb in
my backyard, than an American in my house!'
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