
Global Warming Tsunamis of Environmentalism’s Death:

Anonyme, Jeudi, Février 10, 2005 - 19:21

Jason Marti

The ecological time bombs of trade (invasive species) and global warming are ticking away. The environmental movement has failed and should die so something better can take its place. We need to address the “real

the only response from anything like a Left view -
see other hot works at :

Part I: (revised)

The Andes to the Rescue of the World -


Tsunamis of Environmentalism’s Death:
The Theft and Tricks of the USA Narrow Leftists


Tsunamis of Environmentalism’s Death:
The Theft and Tricks of the USA Narrow Leftists

Words: 3080

(See long version at:
By Jason Martin and Rachel Guevara - CONTACT:

The ecological time bombs of trade (invasive species) and global warming are ticking away. The environmental movement has failed and should die so something better can take its place. We need to address the “real

Global warming will cause worldwide economic damage (two trillion dollars by 2015); tornados will come upon Germany soon; even if the US joined the Kyoto protocol, that would be only a symbolic step since the agreement only prescribes that the most import
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